Monetary Benefits:
For the freelancer, independent
contractor, or consultant, the major benefits are a
higher salary and the freedom to set his or her own hours.
This type of work can provide experience in a new profession
without making an employee commitment.
• Health insurance for yourself and family
• Contracts for deals between you and other businesses
• A brochure describing your abilities (you can do this on your own
• A good calendar to keep track of your appointments
Advantages for the Home Professional
There are advantages for the professional who is considering starting a
home business. It is a way to work in the profession without being tied to a
boss or corporation. For some people it is an inexpensive way to begin a
career; for others it can be beginning steps into retirement. The sense of
being successful on your own independent terms is extremely positive.
Disadvantages for the Home Professional
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A professional has certain legal requirements that must be met, no matter how
large or small the business. For example, many professionals are required to
take classes annually to keep their skills current. For a person who is working
from his or her home without a partner or other employees, this means that
the office is closed for the duration of this education. In addition, while this
continuing education may be only a small percentage of the expenses of a large
corporation, an individual working from his or her home may find that continuing
education can wipe out a large portion of the profit.
Another disadvantage may be inadvertently putting your home and family
in danger, if you have clients coming to your home office. However, a
home-based business owner can keep both home and family safe while successfully
managing a business by taking active steps to keep the business
separate from your home and family. The level of separation depends on
your business and your potential clients. Figure 2.2 addresses security issues
that you should consider when starting your business
Accounting, Bookkeeping, and Other Business Jobs
Accounting, Bookkeeping, and Other Business Jobs
Many accountants start out working on tax returns from their home. One
accountant we know became so successful that he bought the house next
door to live in, rehabbed the original home into all offices, and hired several
accountants to work for him.
Another area of financial work that can be done from home is bookkeeping.
Bookkeepers are those who enter the financial data from a business onto
a computer spreadsheet or onto paper. They also analyze the financial data
and prepare the financial statements for the company. Most of this function
can be done from the bookkeeper’s home. Some companies that use nonemployee
bookkeepers require that they enter the financial data at the company’s
location. Once the data is entered, computer reports are generated and
the bookkeeper can use these to prepare the statements from home.
Many former corporate secretaries and typists work from their home typing
documents, especially for students. While most students have their own
computer, some just do not have the speed required to quickly produce a
multipage term paper or thesis. Another area for a small home business can
be producing professional presentations and brochures.
Working as a freelancer (consultant) is becoming very desirable for both the
business doing the hiring and the worker. A freelancer is usually defined as
a person who does the work of an employee for a contracted period of time,
for a set cost, but who does not receive benefits such as vacation, insurance,
401(k), etc. In legal terms, you are an independent contractor.
The businesses using this type of worker can save money. The business
gets a worker without having to pay the benefits an employee requires. If
the amount of work needed to be done drops, an independent contractor
may be able to be let go without the concern of a wrongful termination lawsuit.
Also, many independent contractors pay their own taxes and withholdings.
That way, the business saves money on tax processing.
Kinds of Home-Based Businesses 17
How To Publish Your Own Best-Selling eBook in 21 Days or Less Without Writing!
Have you ever dreamed that the profit from the sale of books without knowing Writing
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How do you fit being a freelancer into a home business? Easy.Your home
becomes your primary office, with your product being you. You market
your skills along with the benefits that the employer will receive from using
a nonemployee. Figure 2.1 describes the items you will need to maintain a
freelance business from your home.
Many businesspeople are considered freelancers, independent contractors,
or consultants. Many professions have been using this type of worker
for a long time, especially in construction, carpentry, residential painting,
computer programming, computer analysts, accounting, bookkeeping, data
entry, and deliveries. In the last five years, many additional professions have
also begun to benefit from this type of worker.
Many accountants start out working on tax returns from their home. One
accountant we know became so successful that he bought the house next
door to live in, rehabbed the original home into all offices, and hired several
accountants to work for him.
Another area of financial work that can be done from home is bookkeeping.
Bookkeepers are those who enter the financial data from a business onto
a computer spreadsheet or onto paper. They also analyze the financial data
and prepare the financial statements for the company. Most of this function
can be done from the bookkeeper’s home. Some companies that use nonemployee
bookkeepers require that they enter the financial data at the company’s
location. Once the data is entered, computer reports are generated and
the bookkeeper can use these to prepare the statements from home.
Many former corporate secretaries and typists work from their home typing
documents, especially for students. While most students have their own
computer, some just do not have the speed required to quickly produce a
multipage term paper or thesis. Another area for a small home business can
be producing professional presentations and brochures.
Working as a freelancer (consultant) is becoming very desirable for both the
business doing the hiring and the worker. A freelancer is usually defined as
a person who does the work of an employee for a contracted period of time,
for a set cost, but who does not receive benefits such as vacation, insurance,
401(k), etc. In legal terms, you are an independent contractor.
The businesses using this type of worker can save money. The business
gets a worker without having to pay the benefits an employee requires. If
the amount of work needed to be done drops, an independent contractor
may be able to be let go without the concern of a wrongful termination lawsuit.
Also, many independent contractors pay their own taxes and withholdings.
That way, the business saves money on tax processing.
Kinds of Home-Based Businesses 17
How To Publish Your Own Best-Selling eBook in 21 Days or Less Without Writing!
Have you ever dreamed that the profit from the sale of books without knowing Writing
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How do you fit being a freelancer into a home business? Easy.Your home
becomes your primary office, with your product being you. You market
your skills along with the benefits that the employer will receive from using
a nonemployee. Figure 2.1 describes the items you will need to maintain a
freelance business from your home.
Many businesspeople are considered freelancers, independent contractors,
or consultants. Many professions have been using this type of worker
for a long time, especially in construction, carpentry, residential painting,
computer programming, computer analysts, accounting, bookkeeping, data
entry, and deliveries. In the last five years, many additional professions have
also begun to benefit from this type of worker.
How to create a work of service to others?
How to create a work of service to others?
Minor Personal Assistance. Many people are now caring for elderly
and infirmed family members. Most would gladly pay for someone to come
in and care for the family member, even if it is just for an hour. People who
have problems getting around due to an injury or disease may need someone
to come in to prepare a meal. As our society ages, there will be more
people who need minor assistance. This is a time when an individual service
business can flourish.
One last thought on individual service businesses. Recently, stories were
in the news about a service for breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Did you know there is even a business that will wait in line for you
at concerts and movie theaters that have open seating? There are people
who will pay someone else to handle almost any annoying or time-consuming
project. b
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Advantages of a Service Business
The biggest plus for starting a service business is that everyone, even businesses,
needs services. There will always be a certain market for a given service.
As the culture and economy change, so do the numbers of services that
we ask others to perform. Many aging baby boomers have plenty of disposable
income and are willing to pay someone else to handle specific aspects
of their lives.
In addition, many service businesses can be started on a shoestring.
Supplies can be bought cheaply at the big warehouse stores or over the
Internet, without having to order the enormous quantities that are usually
associated with buying wholesale
Minor Personal Assistance. Many people are now caring for elderly
and infirmed family members. Most would gladly pay for someone to come
in and care for the family member, even if it is just for an hour. People who
have problems getting around due to an injury or disease may need someone
to come in to prepare a meal. As our society ages, there will be more
people who need minor assistance. This is a time when an individual service
business can flourish.
One last thought on individual service businesses. Recently, stories were
in the news about a service for breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Did you know there is even a business that will wait in line for you
at concerts and movie theaters that have open seating? There are people
who will pay someone else to handle almost any annoying or time-consuming
project. b
Earn U.S. $ 12 500 every day
This is not a joke
It's a fact
All you need is just learning
Now is the time
Learn the Powerful Secret Formula to Making $12,500 Per Month
Learn the Powerful Wholesale Business Secret Formula to Making $12,500 Per Month for 5, 10, Even 15 Years. You Can Apply This Wholesale Business Formula To Work For You In One Week And Start Seeing Results Immediately. Includes 2.5 hour audio course...
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Advantages of a Service Business
The biggest plus for starting a service business is that everyone, even businesses,
needs services. There will always be a certain market for a given service.
As the culture and economy change, so do the numbers of services that
we ask others to perform. Many aging baby boomers have plenty of disposable
income and are willing to pay someone else to handle specific aspects
of their lives.
In addition, many service businesses can be started on a shoestring.
Supplies can be bought cheaply at the big warehouse stores or over the
Internet, without having to order the enormous quantities that are usually
associated with buying wholesale
Earn U.S. $ 12 500 every day
Earn U.S. $ 12 500 every day
This is not a joke
It's a fact
All you need is just learning
Now is the time
Learn the Powerful Secret Formula to Making $12,500 Per Month
Learn the Powerful Wholesale Business Secret Formula to Making $12,500 Per Month for 5, 10, Even 15 Years. You Can Apply This Wholesale Business Formula To Work For You In One Week And Start Seeing Results Immediately. Includes 2.5 hour audio course...
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This is not a joke
It's a fact
All you need is just learning
Now is the time
Learn the Powerful Secret Formula to Making $12,500 Per Month
Learn the Powerful Wholesale Business Secret Formula to Making $12,500 Per Month for 5, 10, Even 15 Years. You Can Apply This Wholesale Business Formula To Work For You In One Week And Start Seeing Results Immediately. Includes 2.5 hour audio course...
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How To Publish Your Own Best-Selling eBook in 21 Days or Less Without Writing!
How To Publish Your Own Best-Selling eBook in 21 Days or Less Without Writing!
Have you ever dreamed that the profit from the sale of books without knowing Writing
It's easy and simple
Opportunity to Atvot
Let the experience been attributed to you
Click Here!
Have you ever dreamed that the profit from the sale of books without knowing Writing
It's easy and simple
Opportunity to Atvot
Let the experience been attributed to you
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How to profit from wedding photography
How to profit from wedding photography
An Open Letter to the Photographer Who Wants To Earn a Small Fortune in Wedding Photography, Be Treated Like Royalty and Have His Talent Recognized Again And Again Across the Country by Immortalizing Beautiful Moments And Scenes!
If You Want To Earn More Than a Living as A Wedding Photographer, But You Don’t Know from Where to Begin, Then This May Be The Most Important Letter You’ll Ever Read!
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An Open Letter to the Photographer Who Wants To Earn a Small Fortune in Wedding Photography, Be Treated Like Royalty and Have His Talent Recognized Again And Again Across the Country by Immortalizing Beautiful Moments And Scenes!
If You Want To Earn More Than a Living as A Wedding Photographer, But You Don’t Know from Where to Begin, Then This May Be The Most Important Letter You’ll Ever Read!
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Starting Up
Starting Up
I remember a time a few years ago when I was asked to design
and build a project from scratch. The project was a simple
distributed control system controlling multiple ceiling fans.
And it has to be finished like, yesterday!
I rushed through the project like my life depended on it and a
month and a half later, it was complete. Actually, I was quite
proud of myself. It was finished in record time and I don't
think anybody could finish a similar project that fast. I was
wondering if it was a good time to ask for a raise, but…..
My boss took one look at it and asked, "Would it have been
better if you had networked the modules together with a
single cable?"
And he was right. If I had designed it the way he suggested, it
would have been cheaper, easier to design and faster to
What happened?
In my blind rush to complete the project as fast as I could, I
started design with the first feasible concept I thought of, and
just kept going. If I had just waited a day or two, considered
alternatives, I would have come up with the better design that
my boss suggested.

By rushing, I had actually wasted time, instead of saving it.
Needless to say, I decided it wasn't a good time to ask for a
raise. But I had learnt the lesson well and in future projects, I
made sure I spent enough time planning before starting.
I'm sure you are all raring to go. But before you go charging
into the Internet selling anything that moves, spend a bit of
time preparing. It will take longer but in the long run, you will
be more profitable.
Believe me, I have been there. ;)
We shall continue with preparations that you should do as
you plan your business.
Internet Access
You will be online a lot of the time. It will be best to get a
broadband connection with unlimited access.
A lot of your work will be done on your computer and it has to
be in good working order. Good working order should be
defined as follows:
● You can work on the computer for 8 hours continuously
without it crashing. This includes being able to connect
to the Internet continuously for 8 hours without getting
● It doesn't take forever for an application to load. I would
look at anything up to 10 seconds as typical while 15 -
30 seconds is a little too long.
● Maintain a good backup routine. There are many
options available, but I would recommend using a
portable hard disk or thumb drive, or writing to CD
● Backup at least once a week.
● Make sure the computer is available when you need it.
Any kids chatting, or hubby checking up on the sports
news must make themselves scarce, when you show
Each and every business is different and so are their software
requirements. I have complied a short list to get you started.
You will have to add to it as you move along in your business.
● Word Processor. If your computer doesn't already have
one installed, you could try WordPad. It doesn't have a
lot of features, but it comes free with Windows.
● Html Editor. You are going to have to do some form of
web page design or editing. Even if you were to start
from a ready made template, you are still going to have
to put in your content.
● Graphics Editor. At some point you are probably going
to need a graphics editor. You can try the Paint
program that comes with Windows.
I remember a time a few years ago when I was asked to design
and build a project from scratch. The project was a simple
distributed control system controlling multiple ceiling fans.
And it has to be finished like, yesterday!
I rushed through the project like my life depended on it and a
month and a half later, it was complete. Actually, I was quite
proud of myself. It was finished in record time and I don't
think anybody could finish a similar project that fast. I was
wondering if it was a good time to ask for a raise, but…..
My boss took one look at it and asked, "Would it have been
better if you had networked the modules together with a
single cable?"
And he was right. If I had designed it the way he suggested, it
would have been cheaper, easier to design and faster to
What happened?
In my blind rush to complete the project as fast as I could, I
started design with the first feasible concept I thought of, and
just kept going. If I had just waited a day or two, considered
alternatives, I would have come up with the better design that
my boss suggested.

By rushing, I had actually wasted time, instead of saving it.
Needless to say, I decided it wasn't a good time to ask for a
raise. But I had learnt the lesson well and in future projects, I
made sure I spent enough time planning before starting.
I'm sure you are all raring to go. But before you go charging
into the Internet selling anything that moves, spend a bit of
time preparing. It will take longer but in the long run, you will
be more profitable.
Believe me, I have been there. ;)
We shall continue with preparations that you should do as
you plan your business.
Internet Access
You will be online a lot of the time. It will be best to get a
broadband connection with unlimited access.
A lot of your work will be done on your computer and it has to
be in good working order. Good working order should be
defined as follows:
● You can work on the computer for 8 hours continuously
without it crashing. This includes being able to connect
to the Internet continuously for 8 hours without getting
● It doesn't take forever for an application to load. I would
look at anything up to 10 seconds as typical while 15 -
30 seconds is a little too long.
● Maintain a good backup routine. There are many
options available, but I would recommend using a
portable hard disk or thumb drive, or writing to CD
● Backup at least once a week.
● Make sure the computer is available when you need it.
Any kids chatting, or hubby checking up on the sports
news must make themselves scarce, when you show
Each and every business is different and so are their software
requirements. I have complied a short list to get you started.
You will have to add to it as you move along in your business.
● Word Processor. If your computer doesn't already have
one installed, you could try WordPad. It doesn't have a
lot of features, but it comes free with Windows.
● Html Editor. You are going to have to do some form of
web page design or editing. Even if you were to start
from a ready made template, you are still going to have
to put in your content.
● Graphics Editor. At some point you are probably going
to need a graphics editor. You can try the Paint
program that comes with Windows.
You Can Work Part Time
You Can Work Part Time

For most offline businesses, working part time is not an
option - at least during the starting stages. Every day that
your business is running is costing you money - money for
the utilities, money for the rent, money to pay your
employees, etc.
You are gonna have to quit your job and work on your
business fulltime to make sure it turns a profit - before you
run out of money.
For an online business, you can keep your day job. Your
monthly expenses will be very low as compared to offline
businesses and so there is no need to be profitable as soon
as possible.
Only when you find that your business is starting to generate
a serious income, and you are having problems coping with
its demands, do you have to consider quitting your day job.
First Impressions Count
The street location of a business, or the building it is in, will
give the visitor the first impression of the size of the business.
In many cases, this first impression will be the determining
factor as to whether the business makes a sale.
When you are online, however big or small your company is,
you will still occupy one screen of your visitor's monitor. As a
small business, with a well-designed site, you will have a
much greater chance of impressing your customers and
stealing them from your bigger competitors

For most offline businesses, working part time is not an
option - at least during the starting stages. Every day that
your business is running is costing you money - money for
the utilities, money for the rent, money to pay your
employees, etc.
You are gonna have to quit your job and work on your
business fulltime to make sure it turns a profit - before you
run out of money.
For an online business, you can keep your day job. Your
monthly expenses will be very low as compared to offline
businesses and so there is no need to be profitable as soon
as possible.
Only when you find that your business is starting to generate
a serious income, and you are having problems coping with
its demands, do you have to consider quitting your day job.
First Impressions Count
The street location of a business, or the building it is in, will
give the visitor the first impression of the size of the business.
In many cases, this first impression will be the determining
factor as to whether the business makes a sale.
When you are online, however big or small your company is,
you will still occupy one screen of your visitor's monitor. As a
small business, with a well-designed site, you will have a
much greater chance of impressing your customers and
stealing them from your bigger competitors
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