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Cultivate the Discipline of Self-Improvement
Cultivate the Discipline of Self-Improvement
How long has it been since you’ve attended a training seminar, listened to a motivational tape, or
read a business book (other than this one)? Do you believe that your education ended the day you graduated from high school or college?
Effective network marketers know that education and self-improvement is an ongoing process. There is no end to it, and in fact, the process itself is to them, one of the greatest rewards in life.
is an ongoing
Enjoy the journey.
Your access to educational opportunities is not limited to registering for a course at your local college. Here are a few alternative ways to improve your mental attitude, speaking skills, sales techniques, and overall business acumen:
a. Attending seminars and conferences should be a monthly habit. Check your local newspaper and organizational newsletter for information, and make it a goal to participate in any training available to you.
b. Participate in training sessions that you host in your home, or those sponsored by members of your upline. Remember, in an active network marketing company, there is an opportunity meeting or training session going on somewhere within decent driving time nearly every night of the week. How bad do you want to go? Ask around, and invite yourself and a guest.
c. Listen to tapes in your car while driving to work, or while driving a prospect to an opportunity meeting. The point is, you can turn hours of dead time spent in cars into a virtual classroom. It takes about 480 hours of classroom work to complete a master’s degree in college. How long 6 2
Network Marketing: MLM Strategies for Success and Wealth Creation
would it take you to acquire a comparable education specifically geared to your business, just by listening to tapes in the car?
d. Post inspirational and informative quotes around your house, such as on the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator, on the television, next to your bed, at eye level on doors, etc.
e. Read a good business or motivational book, then share what you learned with your organization during the next training session.
f. Watch a video, then share it with another member of your organization, or play it during the reception part of your opportunity meetings.
Having knowledge and not using it, is like starting your car, but never backing out of the driveway. It may feel good, sitting in the driver’s seat snug and comfortable, revving the engine and watching the dials and gauges vibrate, but where does it get you? In the end, you’re still sitting in the driveway. To succeed, you must take action and put this newly acquired knowledge to work, now. And this is the subject of the next principle. 6 3
Network Marketing: MLM Strategies for Success and Wealth Creation
Do you have a habit of making plans, and then failing to see them through?
Make a list of all the things you can think of that you need to do to achieve success in this business.
Organize this list by priority, according to what you can do now, or what is presenting the obviously most pressing need. If your toilet was broken and garage needed to be swept, what do you think holds the highest priority? Business activities can also be organized by priority. If commission checks were being handed out at tomorrow’s opportunity meeting, would you be getting one? If not, finding a customer may be your biggest priority.
Pick the item you listed at the top of the priority list above and get it done. Focus on it alone. You need to learn to focus. If you try to do a bunch of things at one time, the likely result will be never finishing anything. Learn to focus, and you will see steady progress towards your objective.
In the area of self-improvement, could you benefit from doing any of the following?
Reading more books on motivation, sales, etc.
Exercising more frequently.
Going on a diet.
Learning to speak in front of a group.
Improving your wardrobe.
How to Prevent, Avoid and Deal
How to Prevent, Avoid and Deal
It's an epidemic. Someone cuts you off or rides too close. Soon enough your blood is boiling and you get into a screaming match where curses and finger gestures are flying. In some cases it escalates into violence. How can you avoid this explosion of anger?

It's an epidemic. Someone cuts you off or rides too close. Soon enough your blood is boiling and you get into a screaming match where curses and finger gestures are flying. In some cases it escalates into violence. How can you avoid this explosion of anger?
Breathe. Stay calm. Fill your lungs to their capacity, hold the air for five seconds and then release. Or count to ten. Do whatever is necessary to let this fleeting aggression pass.
Remember it takes two to tango. "Road rage" needs two active participants, egging each other on to escalate the incident. Decide not to participate and the engagement will end that much sooner.
Ask yourself if it's worth it. Is getting all riled up worth the aggravation? Not only is the incident making you angry now, but you will most likely run the events through your head in the hours and days ahead. In the grand scheme of your life, allow this five-minute or less transgression to dissipate.
Ask yourself if it's worth it, Part II. While the fantasy of engaging in a physical confrontation may be nice, consider the reality of the possible consequences: jail, civil and criminal lawsuits, your own physical harm and loss of reputation. Is this near stranger worth the risk to the life you've built for yourself or your family?
Ask yourself if you "need to teach them a lesson." This sentiment may be understandable; there is usually not a police office present to punish the driver which leads you to believe it's up to you to send a message. But realistically, the message will fall on deaf ears. Their journey is their own; let them learn the consequences of their actions with someone else. As for you, live your life and let this pass.
Keep your ego in check. In all likelihood, the person who cut you off was at fault. This is true whether they seem to know it or not. You know the truth and in this case, that's enough.
Understand the cause. Oftentimes we feel powerless, stepped on, pushed aside and unappreciated by causes beyond our control. Maybe it's work, home or health issues, but life seems to unfairly throw curve balls our way. All this pressure and disappointment builds up until a near stranger cuts us off, clearly in the wrong, and even worse, doesn't care. We now have a tangible person to funnel our misplaced anger onto. And so it begins.
Try to make your drive more enjoyable overall; this will put you in a better mindset to react to someone's aggressive driving when it occurs. This may include listening to soothing music or books on tape.
Realize that you, too, at some point, were a driver in the wrong. Maybe not this time, but in the past. It'll be easier on your blood pressure, your state of mind and overall quality of life.
Practice forgiveness. This is a hard road to hoe, because in the moment all you want is justice. Maybe they are running late, or maybe, as is often the case, they are simply idiots or jerks. Forgive them, anyway.
Finally, try to reduce your own stress. Practice gratitude, take up yoga or meditation, anything to help alleviate the stress within your life. Best of luck!
How to Make Slime Without Borax or Liquid Starch
How to Make Slime Without Borax or Liquid Starch
Making homemade slime can be a fun rainy-day activity for kids. There are number of recipes for this gooey substance, and many of them call for borax or liquid starch. Although these ingredients are not overly dangerous, they can be harsh and can cause skin reactions for some children. It is possible, and easy, to make slime without these ingredients by using cornstarch instead

Making homemade slime can be a fun rainy-day activity for kids. There are number of recipes for this gooey substance, and many of them call for borax or liquid starch. Although these ingredients are not overly dangerous, they can be harsh and can cause skin reactions for some children. It is possible, and easy, to make slime without these ingredients by using cornstarch instead
Warm the water in the saucepan. Do not bring the water to a boil--it needs to be warm, but not scalding hot. The purpose of heating the water is to keep the cornstarch from clumping together.
Pour the heated water into the bowl and add food coloring. The color is a matter of personal choice, and a few drops are all that are necessary. Kids can get really creative here. Stir until the color is well blended. Keep in mind that the cornstarch will lighten the color, so if you want a more intense color, add more food coloring. A typical slime color is lime green, but you can choose any color your child wants.
Add the cornstarch a little at a time, at a slow and steady pace.
Blend the mixture until smooth. It's OK to use fingers for this step. Have your child help with this mixing once the water feels cooled off enough.
Add more cornstarch slowly if the slime is too runny, or more hot water if the slime is too thick.
Keep the slime in a zip-top bag to make sure that it stays moist
Apple MacBook Pro 15-inch
Apple MacBook Pro 15-inch
- ProsQuad-core Core i7 processor is a first. AMD Radeon HD 6750M is a powerful GPU and works with Apple's Automatic Graphics Switching technology. Gorgeous unibody enclosure. Thunderbolt is in its early stages, but it looks promising. Webcam now streams in HD and works with Facetime app. Backlit keyboard. Multiple screen options. Glass Clickpad has no equals.
- ConsPricey. Lack of Thunderbolt devices to take advantage of the new interface.
- Bottom LineThe Apple MacBook Pro 15-inch (Thunderbolt) is the fastest, most technologically advanced laptop to grace our Labs benches.
Malware and Computer Malfunction
Malware and Computer Malfunction

Computer experts recently named viruses, worms and Trojan Horses the largest computer threats facing businesses in 2005. Unfortunately, many building service contractors aren’t too sure what these threats really are or how damaging they can be.
Knowing a little what, why and how can help in dealing with these problems.
Corrupted characteristics
Viruses, worms and Trojan Horses are what’s known as “malware,” short for malicious software. Malware are specifically designed programs made to disrupt computer systems.
Corrupted characteristics
Viruses, worms and Trojan Horses are what’s known as “malware,” short for malicious software. Malware are specifically designed programs made to disrupt computer systems.
unwanted electronic threats. For the most part they don’t damage your hardware, only your software, system configuration and valuable date,” says Jim Kelton, president, SoftwareUnlimited, Irvine, Calif.
Most people have at least heard the term “virus” at some point or another. A virus is a program or piece of code loaded onto a computer without the user’s knowledge and runs against his wishes, explains Kelton. Viruses may delete files, corrupt documents or use up the computer’s memory.
Worms are special types of viruses. They replicate themselves and use up a computer’s memory. Unlike a virus, a worm spreads by itself from computer to computer, infecting entire systems. Worms oftentimes rename files, hide files, overwrite data or replicate files with other versions of the worm.
Where do they come from?
As problematic as not knowing what malware is and what it does, is how user’s get them in the first place.
As problematic as not knowing what malware is and what it does, is how user’s get them in the first place.
The most common way for businesses to receive malware is through e-mail and e-mail attachments. Users should be careful when opening e-mail from untrusted sources. If the e-mail contains an attachment (even if it was sent by a trusted source) make sure you were expecting it. Worms can send themselves to addresses found in a computer address book. So, even if the name on the e-mail may be familiar, the attachment could be harmful.
Back-up plan
Unfortunately, there’s no advance warning signs of malware. In many cases, contractors won’t know their system has been damaged until they try and use it, says Kelton.
Unfortunately, there’s no advance warning signs of malware. In many cases, contractors won’t know their system has been damaged until they try and use it, says Kelton.
For these scenarios, it is wise to have a method of backing up the system configuration and data. Reliable back-up plans include storing media off-site, says Kelton.
“This way, you will have your information available to you even in the event of a disaster such as a fire,” he adds. “The frequency of backing up your systems depends upon the criticality of the information to be protected. The more valuable the information, the more frequently it should be backed up and stored off-site.”
Since malware could wipe out the entire hard drive, computer systems may need to be recreated from the back-up media.
Once a back-up solution is in place, the second step is to install anti-virus software, says Kelton. Since new threats emerge on a weekly basis, most organizations have the software configured to automatically check for new updates, he adds.
More problems
Besides destroying data, malware also disrupts a company’s flow. Computer professionals will most likely need to be brought in to restore computer systems. BSCs should be concerned about how well operations can run without a computer system, says Kelton. Computer downtime can be especially troublesome for BSCs who run time-card programs or GPS vehicle tracking programs.
More problems
Besides destroying data, malware also disrupts a company’s flow. Computer professionals will most likely need to be brought in to restore computer systems. BSCs should be concerned about how well operations can run without a computer system, says Kelton. Computer downtime can be especially troublesome for BSCs who run time-card programs or GPS vehicle tracking programs.
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