
Working steam rising from the flowers or leaves in addressing parent permission, colds and diseases throat and tonsils, hoarseness of Altkhab throat and face when clogged Gddh fat, and inflammation has been levied Ketbjer my seat to deal with hemorrhoids and the inaccessibility of urine disease, members of the basin bottom in women and working bathrooms steam passenger seat of sitting on the patient's hearing squat over Billy steam rising from the pot and covering with a blanket or similar, which prevents the spread of steam to the outside and can be also work in another way, namely, that the property is placed on a hot brick or something like that and it sprayed water or alcohol so that the rising steam after that of the drug
16 - for rolls of herbs and plants, evaporation Aatabip manner: -
This method is used with plantain or Plantago lanceolata and hashish honey and its uniqueness Securities fresh on a table made of wood and crushing the little rolling a large bottle above forward and back or with a rolling pin wood used in the kitchen to open the dough and then the uniqueness of the above patient's bed blankets made of wool and above the cover sheet linen and uniqueness of Securities mashed above and extend in the middle member of the patient or the patient's body all this and then wrap the lid linen and blanket together on the member or the body and keep it for two hours if the patient feels any discomfort and not stripped of fascia in the event of a sick feeling any discomfort
And twists the partial restricted to one member from the members of the patient's body can only be borne by the patient through the night without any discomfort and is working to address Alomatesm and coug