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Effects of drugs, solutions to drug addiction and the reasons for drug addiction

Effects of drugs, solutions to drug addiction and the reasons for drug addiction

There are various statistics relating to drug addiction and drug abuse among the youth. There are various reasons for drug addiction and why the young people take to drug? There are various physical and psychological effects of drugs. Drugs affect the mind and brain. However

Drugs-the two sided reality
Drugs may be broadly defined as the substances which by their chemical nature influence the structure of living cells. They are found in plants and in the concentrated extracts or chemical alterations of the extracts of the plants.
Drugs are powerful agents that either do harm or good. Under appropriate circumstances, they are beneficial but when used in a wrong way and in the wrong amounts, they kill or cripple or produce a most debilitating physical and psychological dependence on drugs. Most people tend to abuse the drugs due to their soothing, anesthetizing, stimulating and hallucinating properties.

Why people get addicted to drugs?
There are many reasons for drug addiction due to which one is not able to get out of the clutches of this monster.
Using drugs for 'kicks'

One reason why youngsters try drugs is simple as they are there. Unlike the average young person of fifty years ago, whose opportunities for drug addiction was limited to alcohol and tobacco, today's youth faces a wide variety of drugs from which to choose, both these sold in pharmacies and those available only in the streets. The young, being characteristically, curious are far more inclined than the most adults to take the risks. This is partly to prove their boldness and their sense of adventure, and partly because they do not believe, at least initially, that anything disastrous can happen to them. Thus for many adolescents, experimenting with drugs may take place simply out of curiosity, a sense of daring and opportunity.

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Peer group influences

Peer group influences the need to be accepted by a group of peers who are already involved with drugs is an important factor that make the people try drugs. This is all the more so if the young person's best friend is already involved in this drug taking.

Rebellion against parents

Many youngsters who have unloving, neglectful, overly permissive or in contrast, authoritarian and hostile parents take to drug as a form of rebellion. An angry young man said to his father, " He is always telling me what to do like I don;t have a mind of my own. And I like my father is sitting around and having his third martini before supper, telling me that he has some clever expert and I am a real idiot, about how marijuana shall destroy my brain. Well, to heel with him----".
Escape from the pressure of life

Drugs are seen by some people as a mean to escape the pressure of life or from boredom. The social structure that is deficient and unsatisfactory drives them to seek artificial paradises in the form of various drugs. The many shortcomings in the structure of society such as unemployment, lack of houses, social injustice, political opportunism and international instability inevitably causes a sense of loss of confidence that may sometimes lead to experiences that are frightfully negative.

Alienation and lack of motivation

In certain cases, drugs abuse reflects alienation, a profound rejection of the values of the society that some young people perceive as increasingly impersonal, often cruel and lacking in concern for the individual. This alienation from the society makes the young renounce the award of organized society and turn inwards to self-occupied world of mind altering drugs in order, mistakenly or not, to find a 'fuller meaning in life.'

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Effects of drug taking
Following are the effects of drugs un human body.

Tolerance is the physiological process that requires the individual to use more and more drugs in a repeated effort to produce the same effect. Tolerance is the characteristic of narcotic addiction. As the duration of the effect shrinks, in the first stage of the tolerance the individual is required to take the drugs either more often or in greater amounts to achieve the same objective. This stage is followed by the loss of effects. An individual can arrive t a very high level of tolerance with new level quickly reducing the effects.

How to overcome drug addiction?
Drugs that adversely affect the nervous system and those physical and psychological dependence are dangerous. Hence, the best advice to anyone is "Don't start".
Young people can save themselves from drug abuse and consequent addiction if they get proper orientation to their entire life. their lives must be given deeper and new meaning by commitment to true ideals. Pleasure, prosperity and comfort are not the values that can fill the human heart. Man needs higher values and a true companion all his life, it may be his wife or his friends. The modern world, is in fact in great need for friendship, ideals and love.And if young people learn to deal with the help of responsible, caring adults and succeed in establishing genuine relationships at home ad in the society, they shall realize that life is fun even without drugs.

Social and ethical issue of drug abuse
The increasing use of drugs in today;s society raises serious ethical and moral issues. The problem becomes especially complicated when one sees the seeming contradictions in society with regard to the use of drugs. The traditional ethics continue to demand harsh responses to the use of drugs. But at the same time, the quantity of drugs manufactured and their consumption by the general public is steadily on the rise.

Such a situation makes one to ask the following questions:

Can society succeed if the individuals are allowed unrestrained self-indulgence?

Is it right to rely on something so much that one cannot exist without it?

Is it right to dwell on one's own inner experience and glorify it at the expense of the necessary ordinary pursuits?

Does one have the absolute right to decide what one needs?

Does society have the right to punish addicts who do no visible harm either to themselves or to the society?