Apple Pineapple Ginger Juice Recipe1 apple, cored and sliced1 cup fresh pineapple, cubed, skin removed1/2 inch fresh gingerJuice the apple and ginger together, then juice the pineapple and serve.Blueberry Grape Juice Recipehandful of grapes1 cup blueberries, fresh or thawed from frozenProcess the fruit in a juicer and serve.Apple Kiwi Juice Recipe3 kiwis, peeled2 apples, cored and slicedProcess the fruit in a juicer and serve.Pineapple Orange Strawberry Cocktail1 orange, peeled and sectioned1 cup fresh pineapple, cubed, skin removed5 strawberriesProcess the fruit in a juicer and serve.Cucumber Celery Cooler Recipe4 medium carrots, greens removed1/4 medium cucumber, peeled1 stalk celery1 apple, sliced1/2 lemon, peeled (optional)Process the ingredients in a juicer and serve.Calcium Drink Recipe1/2 cup fresh broccoli pieces3 medium carrots, greens removed1 applesmall handful fresh parsley1/2 lemon, peeled (optional)Process the ingredients in a juicer and serve.Potassium Drink Recipe4 medium carrots, greens removed1 stalk of celery1 applehandful of fresh parsleyhandful of fresh spinach1/2 lemon, peeled (optional)Process the ingredients in a juicer and serve