First you should know how to protect fish of them, as follows:
- Let the difference in water temperature has gradually switch water
- The sudden transition from water to water, may cause a shock to the fish in transition
- The increase in the quantities of food for fish, causing them health problems
- Must isolate any fish showing symptoms of the disease immediately
- Dispense with anything, sharp party in the tub or metal
- Not to overstate the increase in ventilation units and liquidation
- Careful while using pesticides or smoking away from the basin
- Pelvic congestion and increasing the number of fish for the required rate of the factors that help the exposure of fish to infection Palmrad different
- Not to raise fish and nuisance or beatings on the tub.
- Fish are not exposed to touch by hand during the procurement and transition from one basin to another, but use a special network for it.
There are signs the fish sick:
- Swimming fish very slowly, and right and left to struggle during the swim.
- Swimming fish fins locked and not open.
- Survival of the fish on the bottom of the pelvis and the lack of movement for so long.
- Increased respiratory rate significantly, so that the Fish float to the surface and you open and lock the mouth and gills at a fast rate.
- The fish of the loss of balance.
- The fish rubbing her body on stones in the existing dock and on the sides of the basin.
- Change colors of fish, especially during the day
- The fish loss of appetite and lack of food approached.
- These are some of the symptoms, proving the disease in fish will become your experience and discover the other symptoms of the disease.
Some of the most fish diseases:
_ White patches:
Disease that is common in fish and cause her death, too, was caused by parasites in the water lead to be white spots on each body of the fish and their fins and gills, causing these spots stir the fish to the extent paid to scratch her body on the rocks or other objects in the aquarium.
A drug called malachite green is used to address this situation, and is available in all stores specializing in the sale of fish.
It is placed in water (one capsule) for about ten days and then is changed water basin.
_ Fin rot:
That bacterial infection of the fins, tends to be eaten, indeed, appropriate treatments, such as salt baths, or treatment of antibiotics, which can be purchased from any veterinarian, can resolve the problem, but must pay very close attention to water quality, and I know that the fins affected can recover slowly after the elimination of inflammation.
_ Rain:
Swelling in the body that may develop into a stage where the scales become upright as a result of the high pressure accumulation, and this can be attributed to several causes, such as heart disease or abdomen, but is a grave symptom of the disease, the fish die immediately after the onset of illness