Many amateur fish breeding Zeinpiehqon breeding their fish and they explain in some detail how hatchery fish Tadjoas water the most important factor influencing the process of spawning in ponds and ornamental depending on the degree pleased Oobeef water and the reason for this is because each type of fish properties that water and conditions Biiiplaeetm reproduction only If available and when you use tap water in the fish and Tafrikhavejb rid of the chlorine is located and the addition of a particular fish sold in stores Zeinpoo leave the water for twenty-four hours in the basin exposed to the air, bursting out of chlorine into the air so Manalme
Factors that affect the Amlipaltafrik
Water temperature
Than usual and known to breeders that Asmakzeinp hatchery ponds should contain more water warmed a few Mealterpip For example, if the temperature of pools of Education twenty-five degrees Celsius, it is the offering of the temperature of incubation is about seven and twenty to thirty degrees Celsius
The degree of ventilation
Working to increase the ventilation rate Altafrejoisraa the same process also reduces the chance of injury to certain diseases, particularly white Alomradalaftrip must therefore be to increase the ventilation rate than normal during the Fterpaltafrik
The time of reproduction
Phenomena noteworthy that Bedalosmak breed at a certain time of the year without another time in the natural environment Vimaodat these fish in the basin of adornment, they often prefer mating time Almmathllzlk and available in the natural environment and again repeat must be a teacher familiar with Bbedamuallomat for fish to be hatched
Places Altmuihualachtaba
To be successful, the reproduction process to be Twafrost a particular place where this process and plants are natural water or industrial Nnsahbatabieip center optimization in this regard if you are a good place to hide and save Awhitkma There are also some alternatives such as fiber and palm fibers are being developed Awhitaliha and child care, and some pottery and forms of plastic is very suitable Jaddaltzauj some fish
Fish Alolodp
It is well known to the public that fish Twhitola gives birth, although the validity of this custom, some fish give birth where male fertilization Albweidatdakhl female and fetus grows and post-completion down the entire growth and types of Alosmakalolodalblatyjaw Bialmoulibanwaapsordtiluigb to breeders of Ornamental Fish to realize that most of the fish Alolodh prey Sgarhalzlk must isolate the young from parents is done through the incubator which is about Qtahblasticip rectangular divided into two parts and placed the female in the top section and when Tlddensl young to the bottom and can not pain Afterasha or there should be planting Ktevvi the pelvis and the whereabouts of many Kjdhua wood hiding the fish small and this type Manalosmak heavy production and recommend all new to this hobby Start it because it is fun and good Matinteg
Fish Bayuda
Put fish Bayuda number of Awhitechtlv depending on the type, size and age of the fish and the eggs is very small and transparent in most cases Mmaiassab him recognition and often happens to get rid of breeder eggs and remove him out of Alihudma waste during the cleaning of the pelvic floor in most cases is the egg-laying in batches and Kadizn Educator that the process of egg-laying had been informed that he might still many of the payments Tantzerdorha The process of egg-laying to note that the male has lost the desire to female partner and Osubhbaida them and the process of hatching eggs during the twenty-four to twenty-eight hour Manalosmak that Twhitasamkp gold Juldvicwasmakalnion