Examples of some of the functions that are to progress and some things desired and that it must have come, to her:
First: financial functions: -
Financial function that you need to deal with the public directly, such as banking jobs, lived brokerage firms in securities and real estate.
It is assumed in this post should not be applied for an emotional or a mood myself checkered That post is not unbearable mood swings, agitation, nervousness as the slogan of financial institutions is always that the customer is always right, so you must be objective and diplomatic in dealing with the attitudes and the ability to carry emotions the public and absorb their anger.
Must have the incumbent with the following: -
1. To smarten the first place.
2. To be able to answer any question asked by the client immediately, without hesitation.
3. Maintain the confidentiality of the work and space.
4. Show voice quiet and wide smile and diplomacy to get out of the impasse.
5. The expectation that the deal will be between the samples from different human cultures and economic levels, psychological and social development.
Secondly: jobs related to tourism, hospitality and aviation: -
These posts have become specialized institutes given post-graduate degree in this area, but there is great difference in the difference between science and practice.
So rub their main function is the actual practice, as they need someone talented in persuasion is a powerful figure, especially in the field of marketing and sales to tourism, aviation and hotels.
Sought from the applicant for this post:
1. Should be familiar with and proficient in Arabic and a foreign language and English, preferably at the very least, if not next to another language as well.
2. Should be familiar with the work of the computer.
3. Have the experience accumulated by the work of the Sales and Marketing
4. As well as a stylish appearance that inspires confidence.
5. Possess the ability to persuade and to absorb the anger and emotions as well as customers to understand the nature of work.
Thirdly: Any educational teaching positions: -
Must be flexible and want to show the offense to the profession patience and talent in the transfer of information, as there are those who have information and has no ability to move. Must also be characterized by giving his character in order to fulfill this lofty mission.
You need this functionality to the following characteristics:
1. The ability to deal with all the varying ages.
2. To deal wisely with the pluralism of styles, shapes and personalities of the students coming from homes of different levels of culture, family, social and economic, in addition to levels of mind of the intelligence and the acceptability of education and the high demand it, and the differences the ability to focus on each student and the seriousness and the desire for education.
3. Ability to deal with the families of students.
4. The ability to transfer information.
5. Belief in the letter of education.
6. That is in dealing with patience and determination.
7. To have the ability to communicate and the laying of the bonds of trust and mutual love between them and the recipient, although the profession does not come gain a large physical, but you may come great moral gain if taken as an owner do it honestly and with conviction.
8. This along with courteous and decent and modern appearance conscious and the ability to create an atmosphere of love and tranquility among the recipients, as it is an ideal role model
IV: Working in the field of information systems (computer): -
This area is the area Almktzh these days and this field has become like salt in food has become a distinguished and widespread in all ministries, agencies and institutions, whether governmental or commercial or private where he became indispensable in any organization, and became his specialty in universities and colleges, institutes and academies and schools.
If you were not've got a degree or academic degree in computer systems the time has not expire yet. There are now special institutes teach computer systems for those who want to work by a given number of hours specific to each division of the disciplines computer with certificates showing the level reached, but must have who wants to study computer instinct and mental development and a strong will to study, and should preferably be to a computer at home for the work of the practical applications of it and be able to it quickly.
Can to show who wants to take a job in this specialty the following:
1. The ability to focus the number of hours long.
2. Err accuracy is small may lead to serious consequences in the final results.
3. That has an orderly mind to organize things.
4. You must have a willingness and ability to follow the ongoing developments within the information systems which are growing at a steady, steady speed, making it the need to constantly study new applications and ongoing updates.
Section II
Consideration of the expected of the incumbent or applicant with information and review of the work function and application of advanced personal and expectations for the salary: -
Often the focus of the job seeker with liked, such as: -
(Salary - Features - Location - post - responsibilities - Title - stature - the distance from the headquarters of housing - type of occupation - the work environment)
As for those responsible for the selection and appointment or employers they have the requirements and other measures they're looking for the one who holds the office.
Therefore, an applicant must have a job to take this into account.
He should think about touring in the mind of the decision-maker in the appointment and focus on these factors, which expects to outperform its competition:
The ability to do the work: -
This may sound like something simple and obvious, but be surprised to learn that many people applying for work without the qualifications for her, before the decision to invite the applicant for the interview trying to hand work to make sure these basic standards through a thorough examination in the background of an applicant and their suitability for the job. Vathbt your ability through your CV or "Manual" to confirm your achievements and your capabilities and the results achieved in your former position.
Initiative and compliance with the job: -
The majority of makers who are seeking appointments match the experience and skills with job requirements do not falter, do not need a lot of time and training to learn how the functions of the post, preferring to come the new employee rapid results.
Career development: -
Expected to advance more than as stipulated in the "job description" of the job de ****** ion ".
This must be seems to be ready to adapt to any new work requirements and is ready to assume more responsibility in order to achieve success - not only, but its success is the success of the enterprise.
To achieve this, we must seek to be a positive impression of him and not someone who wants to remain comfortable and continuing what it does without effort plus the interest of comfort.
Self-confidence: -
Looking employer who gain confidence in college, and establish trust him when he sees it and touch the job seeker in the confidence in himself.
Personal leadership: -
This is not limited only to managers and leadership positions, it appears those who looking for a better way to do his job whatever the level of the hierarchy and is also the one who is an excellent model among his peers, or who play an active role in finding ways to reduce expenses and find less costly alternatives, serving as leadership did not ask him to do, for he was a leading figure thinking and looking and enjoys.
Responsibility: -
The applicant must be working on a high degree of commitment and compliance with laws and regulations of the institution, coupled with a clear desire to take on responsibility.
Do not many of the complaint or blame on others for any mistake may occur.
Positive attitudes: -
Be a high degree of activity and enthusiasm to work and the determination to be the best in everything you do, highly contagious enthusiasm, motivate others to higher levels of production and success.
Showed enthusiasm at every opportunity and brings you to increase dramatically your chances of getting the job and promotion.
Social skills / interests: -
In today's world people rarely resort Dhukiet and appropriate behavior, remember to say "please" and "thank you" and do not forget to give the right of the author and others while praising worth it.
Care team spirit and cooperation in the work.
Tried to integrate into the activities of the Foundation at the social and practical.
Secretariat: -
Unfortunately, there are some unfortunate situations for abuse of power and dishonesty.
That an employer who senses in which the Secretariat and the ethics and good behavior, whether at work or private life.
Communication Skills: -
Smooth modern and effective manner in convincing two of the features you are looking for companies, Vnumei your talents in that training.
How to discuss salary: -
Sometimes they ask the employer what you expect of the salary for the post. You may find yourself at a loss, how to answer this question?
May be unable to answer the question how links between responsibilities and job requirements and other benefits and salary is reasonable in this case?
May limit the number much higher than the willingness of the employer, thereby creating a dismissed you and deny your application.
Salary has been determined by less than expected Vtzlm yourself, and worse, that you might imagine that you feel that your skills are not worth much and you are not confident of your competence.
• Try to know what kind of job and responsibilities, and requirements of the qualifications, experience and skills before the interview, and its position in the company in terms of level of responsibility.
• Try to search the market for salaries for the same type of function and the like.
• If you know someone working in the same institution, Vzle than normal counterparts in the salary of this post and its extent, and what are other benefits to them.
• If you are a candidate by one of the agencies or employment offices, they could help you to know the approximate amount (at least between the range and higher) expected salary for this post.
• If asked what salary you expect, Fjob question about the average salary for such work, and focused on behavior and how to respond and try to devise a response that was final or subject to debate.
• You can also see that you remember that the salary can be negotiated in the range between such and such, and depending on the incumbent is expected in terms of responsibilities and benefits in kind material and other rewards. This will increase your chances of finding a job as a result of the employer to know Bastaadadk to negotiate and your flexibility.
• In the case of non-satisfaction of salary there is nothing wrong to ask for some time to think and respond if they can not agree on the spot.
• You can also discuss the salary before you, to be negotiated calmly and taste, and show your abilities and skills that are characterized by the other point of view to convince your opinion
With workshops (search for work) Stay tuned
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