how to use nokia pc syite
View and convert videos
Sometimes your device videos don‘t work on your PC, or your PC videos don’t play on your device. You can use Nokia PC Suite to convert videos into appropriate formats. You can use Nokia video manager to convert your videos.
Open the video with Nokia video manager.
To convert the video into a mobile format, select File, and Save as or Convert.
Select file type 3GP, or any other file type you know is compatible with your device, and start
how to use nokia pc syite
Create a backup file
You can protect the important content on your device by storing it in a backup file on your PC. Learn how to use Nokia Content Copier to copy your device data for safekeeping.
Open the main window of Nokia PC Suite and select Backup application.
Nokia Content Copier offers you two options: to back up your device or to restore a backup file to the device. To back up your device, select the Backup button.
Select the content types you want to back up and continue by selecting Next.
Nokia Content Copier suggests storing the backup file in the default folder. To choose a different folder, select the Browse button.
Select Next to start backup.
During the backup, a progress indicator helps you keep track of the process.
When completed, all the content included in the backup file is shown. A yellow triangle indicates that certain files cannot be backed up (e.g., because of copyright protections).
To view more information about the completed backup process, select View the report.
You can protect the important content on your device by storing it in a backup file on your PC. Learn how to use Nokia Content Copier to copy your device data for safekeeping.
Open the main window of Nokia PC Suite and select Backup application.
Nokia Content Copier offers you two options: to back up your device or to restore a backup file to the device. To back up your device, select the Backup button.
Select the content types you want to back up and continue by selecting Next.
Nokia Content Copier suggests storing the backup file in the default folder. To choose a different folder, select the Browse button.
Select Next to start backup.
During the backup, a progress indicator helps you keep track of the process.
When completed, all the content included in the backup file is shown. A yellow triangle indicates that certain files cannot be backed up (e.g., because of copyright protections).
To view more information about the completed backup process, select View the report.
how to use nokia pc syite
how to use nokia pc syite
Connect with Bluetooth
Bluetooth gives you a wireless connection between your PC and device. Note that not all computers have built-in Bluetooth. You can however use the data cable or infrared connection instead to make the connection.
Activate Bluetooth connection on the device. For more information, refer to your device manual.
Activate Bluetooth on your PC. Check your PC manual for more information.
Open the Main Window of Nokia PC Suite and select Click here to connect a phone.
The Get connected wizard opens, and select Next to continue.
Select Bluetooth connection and Next to continue. The wizard starts to search activated Bluetooth devices nearby.
Found devices start to appear in the list.
Choose the desired device and select Next to continue.
Type a passcode of your choice in the Passcode text box and select Next to continue.
After a few seconds, your device asks for the passcode. Key in the same passcode on your device. Allow the connections from the PC.
Select Next, and close the wizard by selecting Finish.
If you have installed Nokia PC Suite add-on applications on your PC, their icons appear beneath the main tray area. You can download add-ons from the Nokia PC Suite website.
The easy way of transferring files such as music, videos, images, and applications to the device, is to drag them on top of the device image displayed in the top left corner. Note that in some cases your files may need to be converted.
You can view the progress of the transfer in the indicator below the device image.
Connect with Bluetooth
Bluetooth gives you a wireless connection between your PC and device. Note that not all computers have built-in Bluetooth. You can however use the data cable or infrared connection instead to make the connection.
Activate Bluetooth connection on the device. For more information, refer to your device manual.
Activate Bluetooth on your PC. Check your PC manual for more information.
Open the Main Window of Nokia PC Suite and select Click here to connect a phone.
The Get connected wizard opens, and select Next to continue.
Select Bluetooth connection and Next to continue. The wizard starts to search activated Bluetooth devices nearby.
Found devices start to appear in the list.
Choose the desired device and select Next to continue.
Type a passcode of your choice in the Passcode text box and select Next to continue.
After a few seconds, your device asks for the passcode. Key in the same passcode on your device. Allow the connections from the PC.
Select Next, and close the wizard by selecting Finish.
If you have installed Nokia PC Suite add-on applications on your PC, their icons appear beneath the main tray area. You can download add-ons from the Nokia PC Suite website.
The easy way of transferring files such as music, videos, images, and applications to the device, is to drag them on top of the device image displayed in the top left corner. Note that in some cases your files may need to be converted.
You can view the progress of the transfer in the indicator below the device image.
Testen des Nokia N8, meine Gefühle
Testen des Nokia N8, meine Gefühle
Ein neues Zuhause gefunden dank der neuen Zusätzlich zu den Android Market, und ich muss sagen, dass die Vorteile eher überrascht mich.
Ich hatte die Gelegenheit zu übernehmen seit gestern Nachmittag, und obwohl noch nicht sehr weit fortgeschritten als andere Alternativen gibt, ist es genug, um Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken.
Es kommt in Form einer einfachen Alternative zu Hause und nahm Ideen in MluI & TouchWizz Schnittstellen, unter Beibehaltung der sauberes Erscheinungsbild von Android.
Hinzu kommt, dass einige reiche Funktionalität bestehender Häuser, und wir bekommen etwas richtig, ergonomisch und mehr kostenlos.
Wenn Sie bereits über eine Alternative nach Hause, oder die Standardeinstellung, und Sie wissen nicht, Home Switcher , Sie werden begeistert sein zu entdecken (Version Standard und Froyo ). Es kann Snap ändern in einem einfachen Haus.
Entdecken Sie auch Easyhome die (ermöglicht Ihnen das Erstellen von Verknüpfungen zu Ihren Lieblings-Immobilien Video hier ). Seien Sie vorsichtig, aber bevor Sie es als Standard zu Hause, da viele Benutzer unbrauchbar klagen über Bugs und schwarzen Bildschirm auf der Homepage standardmäßig Telefon, das kann dazu führen, die.
Hier ist, was ich gelernt von diesem Tutorial :
Die Schnittstelle bietet eine vereinfachte spürbare Korn-Design, die Verwendung dieser Schaltflächen am unteren Rand des Bildschirms können schnell zu gewünschten Optionen zugegriffen werden kann, abgesehen davon, dass konfigurierbar in 15 verschiedenen Orten.
Durch Drücken der Menü-Taste, um alle aktuellen Optionen anzuzeigen: fügen Sie ein Element auf den Desktop, wählen Sie ein Hintergrundbild, Suche, Anzeige der Programm-Menü, die Präferenzen der Heimat, und die Präferenzen der einheimischen Handys .
Die Unterstützung Länge auf dem Desktop führt die Anzeigeoptionen für Verknüpfungen, Hinzufügen von Widgets, Ordner Erstellung, Änderung von Tapeten, sondern auch Zugriff auf die Parameter des Hauses.
Home Einstellungen sind in fünf verschiedene Bereiche unterteilt:
1. Display-Einstellungen
2. Die Parameter der Anklagebank
3. Das Menü Anwendungen
4. Die Parameter manipuliert
5. Erweiterte Einstellungen
Von Ihrem Desktop haben Sie Zugriff auf viele Möglichkeiten haben, am Fuße des Hauses, ob im einen oder anderen Weise, kann man immer blättern schnelleren Zugriff. Insgesamt zählen sie die Zahl von 15 Verknüpfungen.
Die Änderung ist natürlich möglich, lange drücken Symbol bereits erstellt. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, die Zielanwendung und das entsprechende Symbol (Einzel-Haut, die in der Anwendung. Allerdings Modifikationen mit BetterCut arbeiten muss) zu ändern.
Die anderen Pluspunkt ist die geringe Anzahl von Grid-Konfiguration von Verknüpfungen auf der Anklagebank. Sie können 5, 10 oder 15 haben, und sogar die Umkehrung der Stil oder machen es fast unsichtbar.
Verschieben, umbenennen, entfernen oder löschen Sie Ihre Anwendungen nach Belieben, entweder vom Desktop oder aus dem Programm-Menü.
Abgesehen von schnellen Bewegungen (Shortcuts) sind auch auf der Hauptseite ist anzumerken, dass Multi-Touch und Sie können Miniaturansichten von jedem dieser Fenster auf dem Desktop sehen zu können.
Denken Sie daran, dass der Übergang zwischen den Fenstern möglich ist, sondern bestimmen auch die Standard-Fenster mit der Taste "Home" von einer von ihnen.
Ein Anruf in Abwesenheit, ungelesene Nachricht oder eine E-Mail erhalten? Kein Problem, Sie können in den Einstellungen dieser Optionen Dock zu ermöglichen, ihre Mitteilungen zu sehen.
Ein kleiner Vorteil, dass manchmal kann den Unterschied zu kennen alles, was sich auf seinem Handy (fast) ohne etwas zu vergessen.
Neben dem Multi-Touch auf dem Desktop, können Sie auch verschiedene Aktionen ausführen, bewegen Sie Ihren Finger nach oben oder unten und drücken Sie die Heimat. Diese drei Manipulationen haben den Effekt, wenn Sie über vorkonfigurierte, um eine Aktion zu starten.
Dies kann eine direkte Rückkehr in die Standard-Fenster, Miniaturansichten von Fenstern werden (oder über Möglichkeiten Sets) oder hide / show / Senkung der Anmeldung bar und sogar offen eine gezielte Anwendung.
Wenn Sie Ihre Icons zu groß finden, gibt es eine Möglichkeit, es mit der Menü-Anzeige zu beheben.
Die Menüanzeige wird von nützlichen Optionen wie zusammensetzt: Verbergen der Taskleiste verstecken die Namen der Anwendungen, das Raster Elemente der Büro (4 × 4, 4 und 5 × 5 × 5).
Sie können darüber hinwegtäuschen, Identifikationspunkte der Fenster (was multipliziert, wenn Sie in Miniatur hinzuzufügen ist), oder zur Verbesserung der Wirkung von Geschwindigkeit und Kraft.
Zu Beginn der Anwendung im Menü und Anwendungen, die vorhanden sind, finden wir ähnliche Optionen mit Grid-Anwendungen (4 × 4, 4 und 5 × 5 × 5), verstecken oder nicht ihren Namen.
Außer, dass Bonus können Sie wählen, um ein-oder ausblenden, und wählen Sie die Drehung nach links oder rechts scrollen Liste. Durch die Nachteile, können wir nicht klassifizieren die Anwendungen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge, ist einer der großen Kluft.
Beachten Sie, dass die meisten Konfigurationen größer, sind die Ressource Anforderungen wichtig, und deshalb kann die Batterie zu spielen.
Alle Anwendungen können auf dem Desktop in einen der Thumbnails der ausgewählten Fenster verschoben werden. Die zweite Registerkarte ist auch interessant, weil sie die Anwendungen, die vor kurzem eröffnet wurden, als eine Art Mini-verkürzt die Praxis zeigt.
Zum Abschluss dieser Prüfung mit der dritten Registerkarte GB Launcher, sehen Sie Anwendungen, die bis zu Speicher auf Ihrem androphone.
Um zu betonen, dass die Abtötung von diesen Anwendungen nicht für Nutzer von Android Eclair (2,1) und Froyo (2,2) erforderlich, da das System automatisch verwaltet den Speicher zugeordnet.
Wie für die erweiterten Einstellungen, wird es bald wählen Sie die Schriftart (noch nicht verfügbar), beobachten Sie die Version der Anwendung und überprüfen, ob Updates verfügbar sind, sowie die Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen.
Nach einer kurzen Video-Tutorial, die unvollständig kann, weil ich entdeckt auch neue Optionen, nachdem durchgeführt.
Ein neues Zuhause gefunden dank der neuen Zusätzlich zu den Android Market, und ich muss sagen, dass die Vorteile eher überrascht mich.
Ich hatte die Gelegenheit zu übernehmen seit gestern Nachmittag, und obwohl noch nicht sehr weit fortgeschritten als andere Alternativen gibt, ist es genug, um Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken.
Es kommt in Form einer einfachen Alternative zu Hause und nahm Ideen in MluI & TouchWizz Schnittstellen, unter Beibehaltung der sauberes Erscheinungsbild von Android.
Hinzu kommt, dass einige reiche Funktionalität bestehender Häuser, und wir bekommen etwas richtig, ergonomisch und mehr kostenlos.
Wenn Sie bereits über eine Alternative nach Hause, oder die Standardeinstellung, und Sie wissen nicht, Home Switcher , Sie werden begeistert sein zu entdecken (Version Standard und Froyo ). Es kann Snap ändern in einem einfachen Haus.
Entdecken Sie auch Easyhome die (ermöglicht Ihnen das Erstellen von Verknüpfungen zu Ihren Lieblings-Immobilien Video hier ). Seien Sie vorsichtig, aber bevor Sie es als Standard zu Hause, da viele Benutzer unbrauchbar klagen über Bugs und schwarzen Bildschirm auf der Homepage standardmäßig Telefon, das kann dazu führen, die.
Hier ist, was ich gelernt von diesem Tutorial :
Die Schnittstelle bietet eine vereinfachte spürbare Korn-Design, die Verwendung dieser Schaltflächen am unteren Rand des Bildschirms können schnell zu gewünschten Optionen zugegriffen werden kann, abgesehen davon, dass konfigurierbar in 15 verschiedenen Orten.
Durch Drücken der Menü-Taste, um alle aktuellen Optionen anzuzeigen: fügen Sie ein Element auf den Desktop, wählen Sie ein Hintergrundbild, Suche, Anzeige der Programm-Menü, die Präferenzen der Heimat, und die Präferenzen der einheimischen Handys .
Die Unterstützung Länge auf dem Desktop führt die Anzeigeoptionen für Verknüpfungen, Hinzufügen von Widgets, Ordner Erstellung, Änderung von Tapeten, sondern auch Zugriff auf die Parameter des Hauses.
Home Einstellungen sind in fünf verschiedene Bereiche unterteilt:
1. Display-Einstellungen
2. Die Parameter der Anklagebank
3. Das Menü Anwendungen
4. Die Parameter manipuliert
5. Erweiterte Einstellungen
Von Ihrem Desktop haben Sie Zugriff auf viele Möglichkeiten haben, am Fuße des Hauses, ob im einen oder anderen Weise, kann man immer blättern schnelleren Zugriff. Insgesamt zählen sie die Zahl von 15 Verknüpfungen.
Die Änderung ist natürlich möglich, lange drücken Symbol bereits erstellt. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, die Zielanwendung und das entsprechende Symbol (Einzel-Haut, die in der Anwendung. Allerdings Modifikationen mit BetterCut arbeiten muss) zu ändern.
Die anderen Pluspunkt ist die geringe Anzahl von Grid-Konfiguration von Verknüpfungen auf der Anklagebank. Sie können 5, 10 oder 15 haben, und sogar die Umkehrung der Stil oder machen es fast unsichtbar.
Verschieben, umbenennen, entfernen oder löschen Sie Ihre Anwendungen nach Belieben, entweder vom Desktop oder aus dem Programm-Menü.
Abgesehen von schnellen Bewegungen (Shortcuts) sind auch auf der Hauptseite ist anzumerken, dass Multi-Touch und Sie können Miniaturansichten von jedem dieser Fenster auf dem Desktop sehen zu können.
Denken Sie daran, dass der Übergang zwischen den Fenstern möglich ist, sondern bestimmen auch die Standard-Fenster mit der Taste "Home" von einer von ihnen.
Ein Anruf in Abwesenheit, ungelesene Nachricht oder eine E-Mail erhalten? Kein Problem, Sie können in den Einstellungen dieser Optionen Dock zu ermöglichen, ihre Mitteilungen zu sehen.
Ein kleiner Vorteil, dass manchmal kann den Unterschied zu kennen alles, was sich auf seinem Handy (fast) ohne etwas zu vergessen.
Neben dem Multi-Touch auf dem Desktop, können Sie auch verschiedene Aktionen ausführen, bewegen Sie Ihren Finger nach oben oder unten und drücken Sie die Heimat. Diese drei Manipulationen haben den Effekt, wenn Sie über vorkonfigurierte, um eine Aktion zu starten.
Dies kann eine direkte Rückkehr in die Standard-Fenster, Miniaturansichten von Fenstern werden (oder über Möglichkeiten Sets) oder hide / show / Senkung der Anmeldung bar und sogar offen eine gezielte Anwendung.
Wenn Sie Ihre Icons zu groß finden, gibt es eine Möglichkeit, es mit der Menü-Anzeige zu beheben.
Die Menüanzeige wird von nützlichen Optionen wie zusammensetzt: Verbergen der Taskleiste verstecken die Namen der Anwendungen, das Raster Elemente der Büro (4 × 4, 4 und 5 × 5 × 5).
Sie können darüber hinwegtäuschen, Identifikationspunkte der Fenster (was multipliziert, wenn Sie in Miniatur hinzuzufügen ist), oder zur Verbesserung der Wirkung von Geschwindigkeit und Kraft.
Zu Beginn der Anwendung im Menü und Anwendungen, die vorhanden sind, finden wir ähnliche Optionen mit Grid-Anwendungen (4 × 4, 4 und 5 × 5 × 5), verstecken oder nicht ihren Namen.
Außer, dass Bonus können Sie wählen, um ein-oder ausblenden, und wählen Sie die Drehung nach links oder rechts scrollen Liste. Durch die Nachteile, können wir nicht klassifizieren die Anwendungen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge, ist einer der großen Kluft.
Beachten Sie, dass die meisten Konfigurationen größer, sind die Ressource Anforderungen wichtig, und deshalb kann die Batterie zu spielen.
Alle Anwendungen können auf dem Desktop in einen der Thumbnails der ausgewählten Fenster verschoben werden. Die zweite Registerkarte ist auch interessant, weil sie die Anwendungen, die vor kurzem eröffnet wurden, als eine Art Mini-verkürzt die Praxis zeigt.
Zum Abschluss dieser Prüfung mit der dritten Registerkarte GB Launcher, sehen Sie Anwendungen, die bis zu Speicher auf Ihrem androphone.
Um zu betonen, dass die Abtötung von diesen Anwendungen nicht für Nutzer von Android Eclair (2,1) und Froyo (2,2) erforderlich, da das System automatisch verwaltet den Speicher zugeordnet.
Wie für die erweiterten Einstellungen, wird es bald wählen Sie die Schriftart (noch nicht verfügbar), beobachten Sie die Version der Anwendung und überprüfen, ob Updates verfügbar sind, sowie die Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen.
Nach einer kurzen Video-Tutorial, die unvollständig kann, weil ich entdeckt auch neue Optionen, nachdem durchgeführt.
Protection from spam
Protection from spam
Among the most troubling issues in the era of the Internet is spam. See our guidelines on how to keep your inbox free from spam.
What is "Spam"?
"Spam" - a large number of spam. These messages are sent in huge quantities by spammers to know of any hackers who earn their money from that small percentage of people who respond to their messages. Spam messages used in the robbery-mail and dissemination of malicious software.
Over the past decade has increased the use and send messages of "Spam". Send these messages usually to users directly and easily blocked, however, in the next few years will provide communications with high speed internet intruders to post messages at high speed and low cost because it is now possible for any person to enter any computer as long as it does not have any means of protection.
This situation had prevailed to that computer hardware manufacturers began providing protection for their computers, and became a filtration methods they use more feasible to block spam. However, the technologies being developed more and more not only in the dissemination of messages, but in addressing the candidates as well. Balentjip and ongoing battle between publishers spam and prevent them from trying to create obstacles in the way of the flow of information.
How can I protect myself from spam?
Create Bryden at least. Use one of the only private correspondence and the other for recording in public forums and chat rooms, or to participate in online publications.
Should be your own complex. Spammers often use combinations of names in circulation, words and numbers to form a mailing list the most popular. The title of your email should not include your name or nickname. Create a title for your distinct.
Deal with the public and if your mail temporarily. Are more likely to hit spammers to your year if used regularly on the Internet. Do not hesitate to change from time to time.
Does not respond at all to spam. Whenever you reply to the number of spam you receive.
Do not open links to sites included in the letters from the sources of the suspect. Spammers who send messages to "unsubscribe" in order to collect fake postal addresses active. If you click on the link to "unsubscribe" so you will increase the number of spam you receive.
Do not put your e-mail address on popular websites.
If you have to put your mail on the Internet Sign Btamoiha picked up before the spammers. For example, "Joe.Smith @" this address is easy to find, like "J. Smith @". Try, for example, write "" instead. If you want to put your mail on the Web site do not create an electronic link.
Use a number of public addresses to find websites that sell your e-mail addresses to spam bots.
Make sure you use the latest version of the browser and all security patches you have activated.
Use anti-virus and open your company by the introduction of Internet services and which also provides services filtration.
If accounted for spammers to change your Sign. May not suit you but the change of address will help you to avoid spam - at least for a short period.
Among the most troubling issues in the era of the Internet is spam. See our guidelines on how to keep your inbox free from spam.
What is "Spam"?
"Spam" - a large number of spam. These messages are sent in huge quantities by spammers to know of any hackers who earn their money from that small percentage of people who respond to their messages. Spam messages used in the robbery-mail and dissemination of malicious software.
Over the past decade has increased the use and send messages of "Spam". Send these messages usually to users directly and easily blocked, however, in the next few years will provide communications with high speed internet intruders to post messages at high speed and low cost because it is now possible for any person to enter any computer as long as it does not have any means of protection.
This situation had prevailed to that computer hardware manufacturers began providing protection for their computers, and became a filtration methods they use more feasible to block spam. However, the technologies being developed more and more not only in the dissemination of messages, but in addressing the candidates as well. Balentjip and ongoing battle between publishers spam and prevent them from trying to create obstacles in the way of the flow of information.
How can I protect myself from spam?
Create Bryden at least. Use one of the only private correspondence and the other for recording in public forums and chat rooms, or to participate in online publications.
Should be your own complex. Spammers often use combinations of names in circulation, words and numbers to form a mailing list the most popular. The title of your email should not include your name or nickname. Create a title for your distinct.
Deal with the public and if your mail temporarily. Are more likely to hit spammers to your year if used regularly on the Internet. Do not hesitate to change from time to time.
Does not respond at all to spam. Whenever you reply to the number of spam you receive.
Do not open links to sites included in the letters from the sources of the suspect. Spammers who send messages to "unsubscribe" in order to collect fake postal addresses active. If you click on the link to "unsubscribe" so you will increase the number of spam you receive.
Do not put your e-mail address on popular websites.
If you have to put your mail on the Internet Sign Btamoiha picked up before the spammers. For example, "Joe.Smith @" this address is easy to find, like "J. Smith @". Try, for example, write "" instead. If you want to put your mail on the Web site do not create an electronic link.
Use a number of public addresses to find websites that sell your e-mail addresses to spam bots.
Make sure you use the latest version of the browser and all security patches you have activated.
Use anti-virus and open your company by the introduction of Internet services and which also provides services filtration.
If accounted for spammers to change your Sign. May not suit you but the change of address will help you to avoid spam - at least for a short period.
What is the difference between viruses and worms (worms)?
What is the difference between viruses and worms (worms)?
Viruses are programs Ttimz feature reincarnation, meaning they spread from file to file in your compiler and machine to another. In addition, it may omit some information or have been destroyed.
Worms are usually considered a kind of virus is that there are several fundamental differences. Worms are computer programs that Ttanask without harming the other files. Instead these programs carry on after the computer simply searching for a way to move to other computers.
With regard to viruses The longer the period that have not discovered where the greater the number of files that have been destroyed in the computer. Worms is a single file The virus is a set of codes that add to the same files in the computer.
What is an attack DoS? What is an attack DdoS?
DoS is an abbreviation for Taibir Denial-of-Service means denial of service has been developed specifically to block or stop the work of the Website, server or other resources in the network. There are different ways for hackers to achieve these goals. The most common way is flooding the server to send requests beyond its capacity to address them. This may make the server is running more slowly than usual (and the pages will take more time than usual) may lead to the destruction of the entire server (causing disabling websites).
DdoS attack is an abbreviation of the term Distributed-Denial-of-Service and mean distributed denial of service attacks and these attacks are different from its predecessor that it is managed using several drives. Valmchterq for example, does the work through two mechanisms are exploiting loopholes in the computer, or download a Trojan horse or a group of malicious code.
What is phishing?
Phishing is a special type of electronic crimes committed by criminals in order to pay online Almstkhaddin to disclose their information private banking. The trolls create a fake site looks like the bank site. Then tries to make you visit their site trolls and recorded information such as passwords and password. Hackers usually send a large number of e-mails include a link to this site fake.
What is ROOTKIT?
This term refers to a set of programs which are used by hackers to evade detection by trying to get the possibility of illegal access to the content of the computer. This term has been invented by Unix systems, also used by the designers of trojans to hide their activity is legal. The primary objective of the "Root Kit" is to conceal the activity Trojans. If they were loaded into the operating system they are not seen by the user as they are designed which are difficult to detect by the control programs and defense. The entry of users to the computers in a coordinated and not a private Bkmlp passage easier for cybercriminals Download "Root Kit" on the computer.
What is malware?
Harmful or malicious software (Malware - is the abbreviation of two words malicious software) refers to special programs to damage the computer. This term includes all types of viruses, worms, Trojan horses and programs in, spies for the keyboard, password thieves and other malicious software.
Formerly it was enough to describe something with the virus or Trojan horse is that the methods and modes of transmission have evolved and no longer believe these terms are adequate explanation for all types of malicious programs.
What is a Trojan horse and where they came this name?
A wooden horse used by the ancient Greeks to enter the city of Troy and control. Adopted the definition of a Trojan horse program is defined as illegal and has launched the destruction of computer equipment. Trojans do not spread by itself and in this they differ from worms and viruses.
Currently carrying trojans on the computers and the secret of harm without the knowledge of the computer. A lot of e-crimes that occur today caused by different types of Trojans. Most famous of these horses Backdoor Trojans (usually includes a spy of the keyboard), Trojan horses, spy, Trojan horses, password stealer, trojans proxy that transforms the computer into a machine to spread spam.
What is meant by the term DRIVE-BY DOWNLOAD?
This term means that when browsing a website is the transmission from the site to your computer. Usually the hackers search for vulnerable servers in the network that can be penetrated. You are transferring codes to harmful web pages. When a user is browsing this site, automatically download malware to the infected computer from the page.
What is KEYLOGGER (keyboard spy)?
This program logs all all clicks on the keyboard may be used by hackers to obtain private data (such as passwords, passwords, bank account numbers, etc.). Typically include Backdoor Trojans a program like that.
What is ADWARE (targeted advertising program)?
This term refers to programs that launch ads (banners that appear suddenly) or to redirect search results to advertising sites. Usually include this program within the free software: If you download a free program from the Internet, the program will carry harmful to your system without your knowing. Sometimes, a Trojan horse to download this program from the site to your computer.
It should be noted that browsers that are not updated often contain gaps. These programs are vulnerable to hackers and tools, which can carry adware ADWARE directed to the computer. Abducted (Browser Hijackers) may change computer settings, or redirect URLs to specific sites or they change the default HOME. They may also direct the search query to the pages is free (often pornographic sites).
Usually does not show the same programs targeted ads in the operating system. Where there are no in the list of operating system software and have no icons. The attempt to delete these programs may lead to disabling the operating system in a computer.
What is BOTNET?
This term is used to refer to a network of computers monitored by hackers using Trojan horses or other malicious software.
What is SPYWARE (spyware)?
As appears from the name SPYWARE programs are designed to "harvest" of computer data and re-sent to a third party without the owner knowing it. Such programs may monitor the clicks on the keyboard (keyloggers as spies keys), or may collect confidential information (passwords, bank account numbers, etc.), or collect email addresses or track Internet surfing habits.
Viruses are programs Ttimz feature reincarnation, meaning they spread from file to file in your compiler and machine to another. In addition, it may omit some information or have been destroyed.
Worms are usually considered a kind of virus is that there are several fundamental differences. Worms are computer programs that Ttanask without harming the other files. Instead these programs carry on after the computer simply searching for a way to move to other computers.
With regard to viruses The longer the period that have not discovered where the greater the number of files that have been destroyed in the computer. Worms is a single file The virus is a set of codes that add to the same files in the computer.
What is an attack DoS? What is an attack DdoS?
DoS is an abbreviation for Taibir Denial-of-Service means denial of service has been developed specifically to block or stop the work of the Website, server or other resources in the network. There are different ways for hackers to achieve these goals. The most common way is flooding the server to send requests beyond its capacity to address them. This may make the server is running more slowly than usual (and the pages will take more time than usual) may lead to the destruction of the entire server (causing disabling websites).
DdoS attack is an abbreviation of the term Distributed-Denial-of-Service and mean distributed denial of service attacks and these attacks are different from its predecessor that it is managed using several drives. Valmchterq for example, does the work through two mechanisms are exploiting loopholes in the computer, or download a Trojan horse or a group of malicious code.
What is phishing?
Phishing is a special type of electronic crimes committed by criminals in order to pay online Almstkhaddin to disclose their information private banking. The trolls create a fake site looks like the bank site. Then tries to make you visit their site trolls and recorded information such as passwords and password. Hackers usually send a large number of e-mails include a link to this site fake.
What is ROOTKIT?
This term refers to a set of programs which are used by hackers to evade detection by trying to get the possibility of illegal access to the content of the computer. This term has been invented by Unix systems, also used by the designers of trojans to hide their activity is legal. The primary objective of the "Root Kit" is to conceal the activity Trojans. If they were loaded into the operating system they are not seen by the user as they are designed which are difficult to detect by the control programs and defense. The entry of users to the computers in a coordinated and not a private Bkmlp passage easier for cybercriminals Download "Root Kit" on the computer.
What is malware?
Harmful or malicious software (Malware - is the abbreviation of two words malicious software) refers to special programs to damage the computer. This term includes all types of viruses, worms, Trojan horses and programs in, spies for the keyboard, password thieves and other malicious software.
Formerly it was enough to describe something with the virus or Trojan horse is that the methods and modes of transmission have evolved and no longer believe these terms are adequate explanation for all types of malicious programs.
What is a Trojan horse and where they came this name?
A wooden horse used by the ancient Greeks to enter the city of Troy and control. Adopted the definition of a Trojan horse program is defined as illegal and has launched the destruction of computer equipment. Trojans do not spread by itself and in this they differ from worms and viruses.
Currently carrying trojans on the computers and the secret of harm without the knowledge of the computer. A lot of e-crimes that occur today caused by different types of Trojans. Most famous of these horses Backdoor Trojans (usually includes a spy of the keyboard), Trojan horses, spy, Trojan horses, password stealer, trojans proxy that transforms the computer into a machine to spread spam.
What is meant by the term DRIVE-BY DOWNLOAD?
This term means that when browsing a website is the transmission from the site to your computer. Usually the hackers search for vulnerable servers in the network that can be penetrated. You are transferring codes to harmful web pages. When a user is browsing this site, automatically download malware to the infected computer from the page.
What is KEYLOGGER (keyboard spy)?
This program logs all all clicks on the keyboard may be used by hackers to obtain private data (such as passwords, passwords, bank account numbers, etc.). Typically include Backdoor Trojans a program like that.
What is ADWARE (targeted advertising program)?
This term refers to programs that launch ads (banners that appear suddenly) or to redirect search results to advertising sites. Usually include this program within the free software: If you download a free program from the Internet, the program will carry harmful to your system without your knowing. Sometimes, a Trojan horse to download this program from the site to your computer.
It should be noted that browsers that are not updated often contain gaps. These programs are vulnerable to hackers and tools, which can carry adware ADWARE directed to the computer. Abducted (Browser Hijackers) may change computer settings, or redirect URLs to specific sites or they change the default HOME. They may also direct the search query to the pages is free (often pornographic sites).
Usually does not show the same programs targeted ads in the operating system. Where there are no in the list of operating system software and have no icons. The attempt to delete these programs may lead to disabling the operating system in a computer.
What is BOTNET?
This term is used to refer to a network of computers monitored by hackers using Trojan horses or other malicious software.
What is SPYWARE (spyware)?
As appears from the name SPYWARE programs are designed to "harvest" of computer data and re-sent to a third party without the owner knowing it. Such programs may monitor the clicks on the keyboard (keyloggers as spies keys), or may collect confidential information (passwords, bank account numbers, etc.), or collect email addresses or track Internet surfing habits.
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