Get Involved
Before you can expect to succeed in network marketing, you must get involved in network marketing.
Your invitation to the world of network marketing may come in any one of many different forms. Some network marketers find classified ads effective, whereas others succeed through cold calling. The tried and true method is to discuss the opportunity with the people you know (friends, relatives, co-workers, and ideally, steady customers) then expand your organization size through helping those recruits introduce people to the opportunity from their own personal spheres of influence.
Either way, to become successful in network marketing, you must get involved. Being involved is not limited to joining. Being involved means taking an active role in building your own business, attending opportunity meetings weekly, conducting training seminars in your living room, using the product or service you market, and sharing the opportunity with everyone you meet.
After serving most of my adult life in the military I had become accustomed to following other people’s orders and working to achieve other people’s dreams and missions. At the time that was what I was paid and expected to do. I had sworn to do my duty and follow the orders of those placed over me. As a civilian I had to learn to take charge of my own life, to become a leader, rather than just a follower.
The motivational speaker and writer, Les Brown, often states: “You gotta be hungry.” “Hunger” is a metaphor for the desire to chart your own course in life through self-leadership. How hungry are you? How bad do you want to succeed in your own business? Decide today to become a leader. Take charge of your life by getting involved and adopting a “take no prisoners” attitude.
If you have yet to join a network marketing company, look for a company that meets the following criteria:
Has been around for over 5 years.
Has a sound management team and history of paying its bills.
Sells high quality, consumable products not readily available in retail stores.
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Network Marketing: MLM Strategies for Success and Wealth Creation
Offers direct purchase of product from the company, not through your sponsor.
Pays distributor checks directly to you, not your sponsor.
Offers professional marketing materials, such as catalogs and training videos.
Has a simple compensation plan (matrix) you can describe on a paper napkin.
Is not overly blasted by negative comments on Internet chat rooms.
Most of all, be sure your sponsor is somebody you respect and want to emulate.
The quickest way to find the answers to most of these points is to go to and conduct a search on the company name. Avoid the company-sponsored websites at first. You want the candid truth from the general public. But, keep in mind that every successful company has its share of horror stories and disgruntled former distributors.
For example, look at Amway (I do not represent Amway). This company has probably produced more network marketing millionaires than any other and has a long history of producing quality products and honoring its financial obligations, yet you will have no problem finding numerous websites warning you to stay away from Amway. Consider the source. Weigh the evidence. Then decide for yourself what is right for your personality and goals.
There are hundreds of opportunities out there, so do your homework. Know what you’re getting in to. When you join a company, you become part of a team. Be loyal to that team and support it, just as you would your son’s high school football team. 1 9
Network Marketing: MLM Strategies for Success and We
alth Creation
How to Build Organizational Sales
How to Build Organizational Sales
a. Use the product
It seems hard to believe, but some people do not like or use the product they market. If this is the case for you, find a different company. In the network marketing business, people buy from you because they are responding to your heart felt enthusiasm for the product. People will trust you, but they are also perceptive. If you are unfamiliar with the product, or do not use it regularly, they will notice.
Before asking a potential customer to get excited about a product and open their wallet to spill out hard earned dollars, you must first have the conviction to honestly say: “This is a good product. You will get your money’s worth. I guarantee it.” How can you do this if you don’t even use the product yourself? If you want to be a charlatan and operate on the edge of incredulity, find another line. Don’t soil the industry for the rest of us.
b. Encourage your downline to use the product
The same sermon from item (a) above applies to your downline. But this shouldn’t be a problem, because, if you’ll follow the advice from item (f) below, your downline will already be regular users of the product.
c. Never miss an opportunity to sell
One of the best times to secure a sell, and possibly find a repeat customer is immediately after a prospect turns the opportunity down. During the course of your presentation of the plan they have been exposed to the product, and although resistant to the idea of getting into business, may be interested in using the product. Never leave a prospect without at least asking for an order.
Throughout the day, whether you realize it or not, you pass up several opportunities to market your product and possibly share the dream. Wherever you meet people by chance, overhear conversations, or conduct business with an individual, you have an opening to mention your product. If people ask what you do for a living, hand them your business card and say, “I market a unique home cleaning product, give me a call if you want to learn more about it.” Don’t flood them with information at this point. Wait for them to ask something like, “Oh, what kind of cleaning products do you carry?” At this point, you better be reaching for your samples and order pad.
d. Ask for the order
Amazingly, many salespersons will demonstrate a product, convince the customer it is the right thing for them to do, then fail to ask for the order. You’re not being paid by the hour, so what’s the use of standing around like a teenager working in a hamburger stand? Ask for the order. When you complete your demonstration, ask the customer, “Would you like the traditional or heavy duty cleanser. Or, “Which do you prefer, the automatic re-order plan, or the single purchase option?”
When they make a choice, fill out the order form. Although you have to guard against being openly arrogant, it is important as a salesperson that you go into the demonstration assuming the sale is a done deal. All you need to do is educate the customer about the product and fill in the order form.
e. Qualify the prospect
Asking for the order, as described above, may make the process sound too simple. But, if you adhere to this important principle of sales, it will be.
Don’t waste your time attempting to sell the product or opportunity to people who have neither the funds, nor the inclination to get involved.
What a colossal waste.
The efficient and effective use of your time demands that you pre-qualify your prospects, to the point that it does not cause you to prejudge a person’s ability to succeed in the business as a distributor. If you’re selling a health product a simple question like “are you concerned about your health?” will tell you if you have a responsive prospect or a dead beat. If you sell soap, you may want to ask, “would you be interested in learning about a revolutionary cleanser that will simplify your housework?” Again, their answer will tell you whether to proceed with the presentation, or proceed walking.
f. Find regular customers before recruiting
In some organizations, new distributors are encouraged to market the product and develop a regular clientele of repeat customers before even attempting to recruit. Often times, consumers of your product come to you, asking how they can get involved as distributors. This may be the best way to build a network marketing business--sell the product, then recruit your customers.
a. Use the product
It seems hard to believe, but some people do not like or use the product they market. If this is the case for you, find a different company. In the network marketing business, people buy from you because they are responding to your heart felt enthusiasm for the product. People will trust you, but they are also perceptive. If you are unfamiliar with the product, or do not use it regularly, they will notice.
Before asking a potential customer to get excited about a product and open their wallet to spill out hard earned dollars, you must first have the conviction to honestly say: “This is a good product. You will get your money’s worth. I guarantee it.” How can you do this if you don’t even use the product yourself? If you want to be a charlatan and operate on the edge of incredulity, find another line. Don’t soil the industry for the rest of us.
b. Encourage your downline to use the product
The same sermon from item (a) above applies to your downline. But this shouldn’t be a problem, because, if you’ll follow the advice from item (f) below, your downline will already be regular users of the product.
c. Never miss an opportunity to sell
One of the best times to secure a sell, and possibly find a repeat customer is immediately after a prospect turns the opportunity down. During the course of your presentation of the plan they have been exposed to the product, and although resistant to the idea of getting into business, may be interested in using the product. Never leave a prospect without at least asking for an order.
Throughout the day, whether you realize it or not, you pass up several opportunities to market your product and possibly share the dream. Wherever you meet people by chance, overhear conversations, or conduct business with an individual, you have an opening to mention your product. If people ask what you do for a living, hand them your business card and say, “I market a unique home cleaning product, give me a call if you want to learn more about it.” Don’t flood them with information at this point. Wait for them to ask something like, “Oh, what kind of cleaning products do you carry?” At this point, you better be reaching for your samples and order pad.
d. Ask for the order
Amazingly, many salespersons will demonstrate a product, convince the customer it is the right thing for them to do, then fail to ask for the order. You’re not being paid by the hour, so what’s the use of standing around like a teenager working in a hamburger stand? Ask for the order. When you complete your demonstration, ask the customer, “Would you like the traditional or heavy duty cleanser. Or, “Which do you prefer, the automatic re-order plan, or the single purchase option?”
When they make a choice, fill out the order form. Although you have to guard against being openly arrogant, it is important as a salesperson that you go into the demonstration assuming the sale is a done deal. All you need to do is educate the customer about the product and fill in the order form.
e. Qualify the prospect
Asking for the order, as described above, may make the process sound too simple. But, if you adhere to this important principle of sales, it will be.
Don’t waste your time attempting to sell the product or opportunity to people who have neither the funds, nor the inclination to get involved.
What a colossal waste.
The efficient and effective use of your time demands that you pre-qualify your prospects, to the point that it does not cause you to prejudge a person’s ability to succeed in the business as a distributor. If you’re selling a health product a simple question like “are you concerned about your health?” will tell you if you have a responsive prospect or a dead beat. If you sell soap, you may want to ask, “would you be interested in learning about a revolutionary cleanser that will simplify your housework?” Again, their answer will tell you whether to proceed with the presentation, or proceed walking.
f. Find regular customers before recruiting
In some organizations, new distributors are encouraged to market the product and develop a regular clientele of repeat customers before even attempting to recruit. Often times, consumers of your product come to you, asking how they can get involved as distributors. This may be the best way to build a network marketing business--sell the product, then recruit your customers.
Website Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Website Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Ask your target demographic what it thinks about your website's usability, programming and design, and you're bound to receive a variety of responses. These can range from "looks good to me," to "I didn't find what I was looking for," or "I think it sucks." Everyone has an opinion.
A more likely scenario is that you've never taken the time to ask your customers what they think about your website. And that's a shame. If you're like most start-ups or SMBs, you probably figure you know what's best -- or you hire someone who convinces you that they know what's best for your business. Sadly, you allow that faulty thinking process to guide the programming and design of your company's No. 1 or No. 2 marketing tool.
It's one thing to pump my own gas. But having to search through an endless database-driven online knowledge management system to find the answer to a common question is another. Whether it's to save money on live customer service or shield the company from a flurry of inbound phone calls, more businesses have chosen to make customer service self-service. From uber-FAQs to threaded online message boards and support forums, self-service is quite the trend.
I know, I know, this has been beaten to death. Believe me when I say that I've been called a moron for taking such a hard stance against Flash-based website programming and design. But here's the deal
Search engines pay attention to content in different areas of your website, including the URL. Different search engines give different weight to keywords in URLs, with Bing being the one that currently appears to give it the most weight. So if your website pages have addresses like, change them! You want something that's more intuitive. For instance, if the purpose of a page is to share customer testimonials, use the word "testimonials" in the URL. That makes much more sense than characters that mean absolutely nothing to the search engines and the end user.
If what I'm about to describe hasn't happened to you, consider yourself lucky. For weeks -- maybe even months -- you've been focused on a new or redesigned website for your company. Finally, after making room on the design and engineering team's roadmap (or finding the funds to hire an independent website programming and design firm), you receive the first round of comps of the new website. Turns out it's nothing like what you imagined. But because of timing and budgetary pressures, you acquiesce and plow forward with a less than ideal concept or design.
Ask your target demographic what it thinks about your website's usability, programming and design, and you're bound to receive a variety of responses. These can range from "looks good to me," to "I didn't find what I was looking for," or "I think it sucks." Everyone has an opinion.
A more likely scenario is that you've never taken the time to ask your customers what they think about your website. And that's a shame. If you're like most start-ups or SMBs, you probably figure you know what's best -- or you hire someone who convinces you that they know what's best for your business. Sadly, you allow that faulty thinking process to guide the programming and design of your company's No. 1 or No. 2 marketing tool.
It's one thing to pump my own gas. But having to search through an endless database-driven online knowledge management system to find the answer to a common question is another. Whether it's to save money on live customer service or shield the company from a flurry of inbound phone calls, more businesses have chosen to make customer service self-service. From uber-FAQs to threaded online message boards and support forums, self-service is quite the trend.
I know, I know, this has been beaten to death. Believe me when I say that I've been called a moron for taking such a hard stance against Flash-based website programming and design. But here's the deal
Search engines pay attention to content in different areas of your website, including the URL. Different search engines give different weight to keywords in URLs, with Bing being the one that currently appears to give it the most weight. So if your website pages have addresses like, change them! You want something that's more intuitive. For instance, if the purpose of a page is to share customer testimonials, use the word "testimonials" in the URL. That makes much more sense than characters that mean absolutely nothing to the search engines and the end user.
If what I'm about to describe hasn't happened to you, consider yourself lucky. For weeks -- maybe even months -- you've been focused on a new or redesigned website for your company. Finally, after making room on the design and engineering team's roadmap (or finding the funds to hire an independent website programming and design firm), you receive the first round of comps of the new website. Turns out it's nothing like what you imagined. But because of timing and budgetary pressures, you acquiesce and plow forward with a less than ideal concept or design.
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