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The problem of the poor "," "or a" problem of the rich

The problem of the poor "," "or a" problem of the rich
The world is today to what the global financial crisis and the apparent name suggests that the bankruptcy has hit the world and was on his way to seek the aid of the inhabitants of Mars, which was spent on the search for the population of billions on the back I was asking myself
Why spend billions of the world's population in the search for Mars or some other means? My ignorance and did not know they might ask them if it hit it hit the aid of our bankruptcy, as the case now also claim
And we hear every day on billions of currency appropriate to the various companies and banks to bankruptcy Nchalha
If the world has all these billions and Vine is the true essence of the crisis
Indeed, it is not the crisis in the lack of money, but the crisis in the large number of any money that came from this crisis, many funds that did not improve utilization of the world believes in help him to live in prosperity and Azdhar
From the outset and Nbde
Initially, you made the world of the poor first - how?
I mean, who does not have the world reduction Luxuries Itp advanced industries in which we come out every day in the new world of welfare Alkmabp
And I stand with this description
This poor world has LANGRES the temptations of the well-being produced by these companies has Altytaln bankruptcy balances of these banks now, which is now called the bankruptcy
Luxuries such money has drained the country of its poor and money to spend who Asubho Luxuries income more than doubling times of one of their number (this is the way for the installment)
Whenever any of these companies for goods Madt percentage of their goods and prices rose until they reached the astronomical figures (Take for example, cars and apartments) and other
Gentlemen It is strange that these poor countries have been looking at how to provide Luxuries and monitor these funds instead of spending the money in the reclamation of the land and the establishment of industries which serve the production
Hence, with the passage of time, these countries have become consumers of RvaheatRvaheat and fundamentals on both end
Say income for those countries with less income of its members say that his ability to buy such Luxuries for simplicity that has become unable to meet the Asasyate of the food and drink so much so that one of its members become unable to find a loaf of bread, not pizza

Levels of luxury goods, which are the product of these companies and banks

The World Suddenly Ishawwa to bankruptcies and the loss of jobs everywhere

And research, discussions and conferences held in the morning and evening, if the

The sun has brightened, and sent us instead of bankruptcies rays
And after all that the world is to save these companies money collected by the

Over the years, the last of these consumers of these Luxuries

Awareness that he was able to impose that will save these companies and banks

I doubt it
To save these poor people who Ansaqgua behind the temptations of the rich than those of producing Rvaheat?
Certainly no one
The result is more of the poor
And more of the famine
And more conflicts
The rich will not solve the problem because it is simply linked to the improvement of the conditions of the poor consumers of their products
Is the Is the problem then is the problem of poor or rich?
By Engineer
abohasen abdala ali
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