Remember when choosing your husband ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remember when choosing your husband %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% But today the concepts of mixing and the diversity of opinions and the difficulty in differentiating between the good and the ugly in some things and the difficulty of choosing between such things for a girl (Choice of husband) It could be argued that a marriage for girls is divided into: - 1 - type of the view that marriage should be an opportunity for girls Tguetnsa a concern of all the world, and this product would satisfy any pair knock on the door (much less in the areas of education and awareness and rural areas) they are applying the wrong ideals, in my opinion, the Egyptian (not under the man under the wall) and the fact that not all men under the Tstzl Alemraep 2 - develop a type of physical descriptions of them was the owner of the Sultan, or Jah, or who are the majority
3 - looking for a type of ethics, values and principles they are wise people, a minority
class does not know what he wants has been unable to determine the specifications of the partner (the most marital unhappiness in their lives) and has put Islam in the modern wife Aseslakttiar defined and which is likely the debt on the rest of the items and can also apply these foundations to choose a husband for the girl But there are some things you're looking for a lot of girls in the forward to marriage and want to find a way to know these things (the type of person strong or weak - the taste of the public has - he has self-love - and other things that the girl had refused to come, because she could not know There is a beautiful sense says (one hidden under the tongue) that any talk about rights is disclosed without awareness of it How so? Hap people from coming into contact with others divided into three (Basri - audio - sensory) Optic view of the flag around him through the pictures and Eye Loves to hear noise and is the choice of words
Focus attention on the sensory perception and a sense of feeling Knowlenowledge of these things help the girl to choose her husband, as also help the young man, therefore, each person must learn the art of communicating with others ut how can we discern from the figure, through his words to us? If much of his speech: -- I - I do not like - I hate - like my opinion - I am free - Mlish up call - that person is selfish love control
Makther in his words: -- We are - what your opinion - I love Rick income - no work - we do not Aychen alone - this person loves Aihb control and cooperation His voice is often higher for the year Aihterm taste contrast to the
ow voice Which is overly compensate for a lack of interest Bmnzerh what he Who always speaks in nonsense things and will little foot (This is the reality of limited experience)
Let us always remember that (many of tolerance + = few reproach a better life) (an article from
Source / article of كتاباتى With regards the Code of the sources of life Let us live life
3 - looking for a type of ethics, values and principles they are wise people, a minority
class does not know what he wants has been unable to determine the specifications of the partner (the most marital unhappiness in their lives) and has put Islam in the modern wife Aseslakttiar defined and which is likely the debt on the rest of the items and can also apply these foundations to choose a husband for the girl But there are some things you're looking for a lot of girls in the forward to marriage and want to find a way to know these things (the type of person strong or weak - the taste of the public has - he has self-love - and other things that the girl had refused to come, because she could not know There is a beautiful sense says (one hidden under the tongue) that any talk about rights is disclosed without awareness of it How so? Hap people from coming into contact with others divided into three (Basri - audio - sensory) Optic view of the flag around him through the pictures and Eye Loves to hear noise and is the choice of words
Focus attention on the sensory perception and a sense of feeling Knowlenowledge of these things help the girl to choose her husband, as also help the young man, therefore, each person must learn the art of communicating with others ut how can we discern from the figure, through his words to us? If much of his speech: -- I - I do not like - I hate - like my opinion - I am free - Mlish up call - that person is selfish love control
Makther in his words: -- We are - what your opinion - I love Rick income - no work - we do not Aychen alone - this person loves Aihb control and cooperation His voice is often higher for the year Aihterm taste contrast to the
ow voice Which is overly compensate for a lack of interest Bmnzerh what he Who always speaks in nonsense things and will little foot (This is the reality of limited experience)
Let us always remember that (many of tolerance + = few reproach a better life) (an article from
Source / article of كتاباتى With regards the Code of the sources of life Let us live life