Back Pain Relief 4 Life Coaching Sessions

Treat your hair between Hands

Treat your hair between Hands  
You can do the application of this recipe home

For hair loss:

Mixture I:

Mix the eggs yolks with a little olive oil and positions in the form of ring of hair, then covered with a nylon head cap and above the hot towel and leave for half an hour to an hour on your hair ..

Then wash your hair well with warm water, then shampoo and rinse your hair quality ..

And repeat this method twice a week for a continuous period of two months at least ..

And to stimulate blood circulation in the head, comb hair from the bottom (ie at the neck) to the top and this would stop the hair loss also ..

Mix II:

Mix equal quantity of castor oil and almond oil and put it on your hair and wrapped nylon cap and leave for half an hour to an hour on the hair and wash with water and then shampooed Vatrezha ..

To treat greasy hair:

You must wash your hair with lukewarm water, without rubbing the scalp, that if she rubbed roughly increase oily, then you should use shampoo your hair quality ..

As to the cafeteria and dry hair:

Advisable to use preparations containing vitamins available in the form of Morris, in the various international companies and is used twice a week to put them on the outskirts of the hair and left without washing it ..

You can use the hair dryer (Alischoar) directly upon these products give the hair Maip, vital and beautiful ones ..

To treat dandruff:

Advised rubbing the scalp with vinegar added to it a little olive oil to mitigate it ..

To forget Nzafpalcar Omrdharori left the piece without washing causes the hair loss and dandruff