Website Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Website Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Ask your target demographic what it thinks about your website's usability, programming and design, and you're bound to receive a variety of responses. These can range from "looks good to me," to "I didn't find what I was looking for," or "I think it sucks." Everyone has an opinion.
A more likely scenario is that you've never taken the time to ask your customers what they think about your website. And that's a shame. If you're like most start-ups or SMBs, you probably figure you know what's best -- or you hire someone who convinces you that they know what's best for your business. Sadly, you allow that faulty thinking process to guide the programming and design of your company's No. 1 or No. 2 marketing tool.
It's one thing to pump my own gas. But having to search through an endless database-driven online knowledge management system to find the answer to a common question is another. Whether it's to save money on live customer service or shield the company from a flurry of inbound phone calls, more businesses have chosen to make customer service self-service. From uber-FAQs to threaded online message boards and support forums, self-service is quite the trend.
I know, I know, this has been beaten to death. Believe me when I say that I've been called a moron for taking such a hard stance against Flash-based website programming and design. But here's the deal
Search engines pay attention to content in different areas of your website, including the URL. Different search engines give different weight to keywords in URLs, with Bing being the one that currently appears to give it the most weight. So if your website pages have addresses like, change them! You want something that's more intuitive. For instance, if the purpose of a page is to share customer testimonials, use the word "testimonials" in the URL. That makes much more sense than characters that mean absolutely nothing to the search engines and the end user.
If what I'm about to describe hasn't happened to you, consider yourself lucky. For weeks -- maybe even months -- you've been focused on a new or redesigned website for your company. Finally, after making room on the design and engineering team's roadmap (or finding the funds to hire an independent website programming and design firm), you receive the first round of comps of the new website. Turns out it's nothing like what you imagined. But because of timing and budgetary pressures, you acquiesce and plow forward with a less than ideal concept or design.
Take each number between 1 and 10 - I will be using numbers in the text to
make it easier for you to read.
Now create rhymes for each of those numbers. You should do it yourself, but
here is what I use. This is not exclusive and you may prefer your own rhymes.
What is important is that they are memorable, and solid concrete ideas –
emotions will not work. You are working with pictures not ideas!
1 Bun
2 shoe
3 tree
4 door
5 hive
6 sticks
7 heaven
8 gate
9 wine
10 hen
Now, when you say the word ‘1’, immediately you should have the rhyme of a bun
(in my case). ‘5’ would make you think of a bee-hive. You will get quicker in time,
like the trickle becomes a stream, and it will take less effort.
This is your peg system.
Now I am going to give you another list – this time to remember.
Your task now is to join your RHYME to the appropriate object that you want to
For example the sixth item on our list is a jacket. 6 rhymes with sticks, so imagine
the jacket being beaten up with some sticks or a similar image. Maybe the jacket is
playing the drums. Do the same for each item on the list. Here is a simple table to
help you.
Order place in list Rhyme object
1 bun hat
2 shoe coat
3 tree dog
4 door mouse
5 (bee) hive car
6 (drum) sticks jacket
7 heaven chair
8 gate lightbulb
9 wine candle
10 hen briefcase
As you memorize each picture, try to make it move - have action in it, and keep
it clear in your mind. Use the power memory booster tips of humour, larger
than life etc. as mentioned earlier. Don’t worry about forgetting earlier items.
They are still there. Just concentrate on each picture as you get to it.
Now, close your eyes. Say to yourself ‘1’ and recall the rhyme. What was the
rhyme linked to …..
Amazingly as you go through each object you will recall the number, then the
rhyme, and finally the picture which includes what you are trying to remember.
Try it next time you go shopping!!
But perhaps the what you will find most unnerving is that once memorized, you
will find it hard to stop your memory from throwing out the information! Images
will tumble out faster and faster as you get used to using your memory. Its
very strange at first, but you will get used to it.
The second tip I am going to give you is DO NOT LEARN ANYTHING BY ROTE –
that is saying the same thing over and over. That is an old way of learning and will
not help you. In the same way, don’t worry that if you don’t repeat what you have
already learned then you will forget it – you won’t. Not for short periods anyway, and
I will show you how to create a long term memory towards the end of the course.
So where do memory tricks come from? Back in the mists of time the Greeks would
hold competitions with one another – the person who could remember the most
would win. To do this they would remember their information by imagining it in
certain places around a room or the city/town in which they lived. We will use this
technique later. I will start by explaining pegging.
Pegging is like taking a coat and hanging it on a recognisable ‘peg’ which is already
in your memory – that peg itself has a way of remembering it. Don’t worry, it’s not
hard, and although at first you think that you are learning more than originally, you
need only need learn each system once for it to be used over and over again.
Reputedly, pegging first came about when a doctor was involved in an disaster at
sea. He was in the dining room at the time as were many of the passengers with
whom he was acquainted, some 100 or so. The ships documents were lost and it
was important to find out just who was missing,
What had happened was not that he had found a way of creating memories – our
earlier exercise of a past experience should I hope have shown you that you have
a powerful memory already. He had infact stumbled on the crucial element which
is ACCESSING those memories – and that requires order.
Imagine two filing systems. The one is what many of us do - a pile in a cupboard
some place which is a mixture of bills and letters, documents and junk mail. The
other is a neat filing cabinet organised carfefully into bills, letter documents, junk -
each file in date order. One day you urgently need a dated bill to prove that the
gas supplier owes you a rebate. Which do you think will be the easiest place to
find the bill? All it took was a little effort to create a filing system but it saved
hours of hunting. And the same goes for memory – if you do not create a way of
easily accessing the particular memory it will become lost with all the other
memories that you have, perhaps irretrievably.
This is one of the major blocks to people starting to memorize information, they
are put off by the fact that firstly they have to set up their mental filing system.
Where as if they were to take the time and trouble they would realize that they
could recall huge amounts of information.
Although all memory systems rely on pegging, there are a number of systems I
will be telling you about:
Number rhyme
Number shape
Body parts
Letter shape
Mind-map town
I will also give you some tips on how to get short term memory into long term
The remainder of this course will deal with specific ideas about memorizing the
important things of life such as telephone numbers, addresses, dates of history,
text contents (for example studying or learning a piece of drama or a story)
directions and where you left the car keys!
The second tip I am going to give you is DO NOT LEARN ANYTHING BY ROTE –
that is saying the same thing over and over. That is an old way of learning and will
not help you. In the same way, don’t worry that if you don’t repeat what you have
already learned then you will forget it – you won’t. Not for short periods anyway, and
I will show you how to create a long term memory towards the end of the course.
So where do memory tricks come from? Back in the mists of time the Greeks would
hold competitions with one another – the person who could remember the most
would win. To do this they would remember their information by imagining it in
certain places around a room or the city/town in which they lived. We will use this
technique later. I will start by explaining pegging.
Pegging is like taking a coat and hanging it on a recognisable ‘peg’ which is already
in your memory – that peg itself has a way of remembering it. Don’t worry, it’s not
hard, and although at first you think that you are learning more than originally, you
need only need learn each system once for it to be used over and over again.
Reputedly, pegging first came about when a doctor was involved in an disaster at
sea. He was in the dining room at the time as were many of the passengers with
whom he was acquainted, some 100 or so. The ships documents were lost and it
was important to find out just who was missing,
What had happened was not that he had found a way of creating memories – our
earlier exercise of a past experience should I hope have shown you that you have
a powerful memory already. He had infact stumbled on the crucial element which
is ACCESSING those memories – and that requires order.
Imagine two filing systems. The one is what many of us do - a pile in a cupboard
some place which is a mixture of bills and letters, documents and junk mail. The
other is a neat filing cabinet organised carfefully into bills, letter documents, junk -
each file in date order. One day you urgently need a dated bill to prove that the
gas supplier owes you a rebate. Which do you think will be the easiest place to
find the bill? All it took was a little effort to create a filing system but it saved
hours of hunting. And the same goes for memory – if you do not create a way of
easily accessing the particular memory it will become lost with all the other
memories that you have, perhaps irretrievably.
This is one of the major blocks to people starting to memorize information, they
are put off by the fact that firstly they have to set up their mental filing system.
Where as if they were to take the time and trouble they would realize that they
could recall huge amounts of information.
Although all memory systems rely on pegging, there are a number of systems I
will be telling you about:
Number rhyme
Number shape
Body parts
Letter shape
Mind-map town
I will also give you some tips on how to get short term memory into long term
The remainder of this course will deal with specific ideas about memorizing the
important things of life such as telephone numbers, addresses, dates of history,
text contents (for example studying or learning a piece of drama or a story)
directions and where you left the car keys!
Using your memory
Using your memory
They have a very powerful VISUAL memory, which is often untapped. They are
led to believe that they have a very poor memory. The reason for this is that
they are told to learn things from a printed page whilst at school, and much of
their energy goes into trying to decipher the text. However, deciphering the text
is only one small part of learning. And so in this course you will learn techniques
which can be taught to anyone with what some people call learning difficulties,
and they will be astounded at the power in their own mind! In just 5 minutes
How do I know?
Because I have the numerical form of dyslexia, dyscalculia. I thought I was
stupid – I learnt that I just had never been taught how to remember visually!
Your amazing brain!
Your brain controls every aspect of your being – it processes all those senses
that you have. An eye, for example, receives light but without the brain to
process the information it will do you no good at all.
You have subconscious processes that go on without you knowing about it, for
example breathing. Could you imagine getting up first thing in the morning and
needing to remind yourself to breath?
And you have conscious processes, like walking and talking, and thinking!
Memory falls into a strange place because some of it is subconscious, and some
of it is conscious.
FACT: did you now that that the brain is made up of chemical and electrical
signals which are transmitted and received by something called Neurons?
There are more Neurological connectors in the brain than people living on earth!
So lets take a look at how all these connectors work – they are a bit like pathways
really, but it’s important to know roughly how they work so that you will be able to
make the best use of any memory tricks you learn.
The pathways in the brain can be best thought of as being like a small stream that
is made in soft sand by a trickle of water.
At first the stream is small, you can disturb the path of the stream very easily.
However after a period of time the stream creates a more permanent path down
which more water can flow without being disturbed until finally there is a river - solid
and unswerving.
In the same ways when a memory is first formed it can be easily lost. However, if
the memory is recalled a surprisingly few number of times, then it is retained and
cannot be disturbed.
Most people believe that when they remember something once they will remember
it for a long time. This is unfortunately untrue. The other error that is made is that if
you remember something now you will easily forget it. Again, untrue.
Let’s get your brain warmed up first though, and prove that you have one!
First, I would like you to find a quiet place and close your eyes, and remember a
time in your past that you were really happy – happy memories are easier to recall
than sad ones. Where were you, what were the smells?
You now need to ‘GO INTO’ that picture – by that I mean start to imagine walking
around it. Give yourself time. What you are looking for is how intensely you are
able to recall everything about that scene. If you are having difficulties then choose
another scene.
This will I hope show you that you have a very powerful memory for images, and to
release the power of you memory you need to start to get image generation into your
To create powerful images, tests have shown that the easiest memories to recall
involve humour, larger than life, colour, smell, taste, sound, touch. So if at any point
in this course you are having problems memorizing something just add another layer
of power image maker and you will be able to recall it.
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Game Copy Wizard is a better and easier way for you to completely backup any Video Games. Completely unlike anything our competitors are offering, it allows you to make quality backups of your games using a CD or DVD burner. Have you ever been bothered that you cannot copy or backup video games ? You are in the right place! From now on you can copy your original discs and play the backups you have made with Game Copy wizard. Click Here!
My Memory where I went (II )?
My Memory where I went (II )?
Although I have made every effort not to use material from other memory systems without giving credit, it is quite
difficult to not do so accidentally, mainly because all systems in the end use a finite number of resources, and most
systems rely on ancient principles - such that duplication is inevitable. The purpose of this short book is to
combine what I find to be the most useful of all those that I have used over the years, together with what variations
I have seen fit to implement to achieve better results. I have been using all these systems for many years, a couple
of which are my own invention, and so the material it was originally based on has, for me at any rate, been lost a
long time ago. If you are aware of similar source material I would be most grateful for the references so that in
future updates to the text I can reference valuable sources. Mindmap and mindmapping is copyright and registered
trade mark of Tony Buzan. I have used reference to the phrase mindmap and mindmapping as it is used now
widely in education
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Welcome and introduction
System 1- number rhymes
System 2 - shapes
System 3 - Body parts
System 4 - Letter shapes
System 5 - Story
System 6 - Journey
System 7 - Place
System 8 - Mind mapped town
Lets start easy ...
What about directions
Telephone numbers
Dates of history
Timings - and how to review effectively
Appendix, including card tricks, foreign languages and nutrition for
If your primary aim is study for a college course
then you will want to have every skill available.
My Memory where I went (the first)?
My Memory where I went (the first)?
I have been using memory techniques personally now for the last 15 years. I have taken the greatest
pleasure in being able to train those with dyslexia - who are often left out of the educational system - and show
then that they are not drop outs. Their minds simply work differently and because of that they do in fact have
very powerful memories. I have watched such people fly once I have taught them even the most basic of the
I still enjoy it though when I teach someone who claims to have a poor memory a basic system, because it
is the look on their face when they realise that with no effort their brain has done something they never thought
that it could do.
For me, the adventure started when I knew I was going to college to train as a youthworker - I wanted to
know how to remember stuff as I had never been very good at it. I learned the basic system in around half an
hour and then moved on in a day to the letter shape system.
I am a slow study, and it took a couple of days for me to get my head around it. But once I had I decided to
challenge myself to learn the books of the Bible in order. It seemed impossible but I took on the task, wondering
if it would really work.
45 mins later I was recalling the books backwards, forwards, and inside out! I couldn’t believe it.
Whilst at college I was the only person not to have post-it notes spread around the house and memorised
some 30 important history dates and related information in just 2 hours ... Whilst sat in front of the TV!
I have tried to keep this book as short as possible and keep the anecdotes out as much as possible. My
experience of studying other similar materials is that there are always a number of stories and perhaps too
many examples. Maybe I have not used enough stories or examples, but I think that the best way of using the
memory techniques I have included is to actually use them, not try and tell you what I think!
I hope that as you read through this, the first edition of what I hope will be an annually updated course, you
will take the same pleasure as I have in learning to learn. I also hope that the added brain facts, and study
techniques will be useful to you. And if you find anything that you feel is in error, or could do with further explanation
then please email me - if you bought off ebay you know already where I am!
So enjoy!
I have been using memory techniques personally now for the last 15 years. I have taken the greatest
pleasure in being able to train those with dyslexia - who are often left out of the educational system - and show
then that they are not drop outs. Their minds simply work differently and because of that they do in fact have
very powerful memories. I have watched such people fly once I have taught them even the most basic of the
I still enjoy it though when I teach someone who claims to have a poor memory a basic system, because it
is the look on their face when they realise that with no effort their brain has done something they never thought
that it could do.
For me, the adventure started when I knew I was going to college to train as a youthworker - I wanted to
know how to remember stuff as I had never been very good at it. I learned the basic system in around half an
hour and then moved on in a day to the letter shape system.
I am a slow study, and it took a couple of days for me to get my head around it. But once I had I decided to
challenge myself to learn the books of the Bible in order. It seemed impossible but I took on the task, wondering
if it would really work.
45 mins later I was recalling the books backwards, forwards, and inside out! I couldn’t believe it.
Whilst at college I was the only person not to have post-it notes spread around the house and memorised
some 30 important history dates and related information in just 2 hours ... Whilst sat in front of the TV!
I have tried to keep this book as short as possible and keep the anecdotes out as much as possible. My
experience of studying other similar materials is that there are always a number of stories and perhaps too
many examples. Maybe I have not used enough stories or examples, but I think that the best way of using the
memory techniques I have included is to actually use them, not try and tell you what I think!
I hope that as you read through this, the first edition of what I hope will be an annually updated course, you
will take the same pleasure as I have in learning to learn. I also hope that the added brain facts, and study
techniques will be useful to you. And if you find anything that you feel is in error, or could do with further explanation
then please email me - if you bought off ebay you know already where I am!
So enjoy!
Opel Astra Sports Tourer (2011
The Opel Astra Sports Tourer makes its world premiere at the 2010 Paris Motor Show (October 2-24), and goes on sale in November 2010.
Efficient load carrier incorporates premium features
The new Opel Astra Sports Tourer has been designed for smooth loading, while the clean, flat wall linings of the carefully contoured cargo compartment optimize useable space by eliminating odd, hard-to-use corners. Load volume can be easily adjusted between 500 and 1550 liters.
Efficient trunk design is a key aspect of the wagon concept and Opel engineers have taken great care to enhance functionality by incorporating features from premium station wagons with a rare sense of quality and precision.
They have developed a new FlexFold Rear Seat system, which allows each section of the 60/40 split-fold rear seatbacks to be lowered at the press of a button located in the side walls of the cargo compartment: A spring is electrically released, automatically activating quick, remote folding of the seatbacks. The Opel Astra Sports Tourer is the first compact wagon equipped with this convenience feature.
With the seatbacks down, the cargo load length is increased to 1835 mm, 28 mm more than in the current Astra wagon.
Sporty design executed with first class quality
Families and business professionals using the Opel Astra Sports Tourer benefit from the same harmoniously sculpted cabin as in the five-door hatchback. The wraparound wing front fascia and the flowing forms of the cockpit provide a great sense of space and security.
The cabin is as practical as it is comfortable. Opel Astra Sports Tourer users wish to stow a range of items where they need them, not just in the trunk. To help achieve that, 25 liters of cabin storage space has been added, 50 percent more than in the previous generation wagon. For long distance driving comfort, customers can choose the only front ergonomic seats in the segment certified by independent back experts from the Aktion Gesunder R?cken (AGR).
The exterior design of the new Astra Sports Tourer brings a touch of athleticism and undeniable class to compact wagon looks. The tapered profile and the prominent side blade-shaped sculpted into the flanks of the body combine to give the Sports Tourer a powerful sense of forward movement. A muscular shoulder line leads gracefully into eye-catching, sculpted rear light units.
Opel Astra Sports Tourer offers the same agile handing as the hatchback
Athleticism is also found in the Opel Astra Sport Tourer's mechatronic chassis. Opel Vehicle Dynamics engineers have ensured that it offers the same level of comfort and agility as that of the five-door hatchback. The Sports Tourer shares its footprint with its five-door sibling, with a similar 2685 mm-long wheelbase and wide front and rear tracks of 1544 and 1558 mm respectively.
The rear axle also benefits from the highly innovative combination of a compound crank and a Watt's link as used on the five-door variant - an ingenious construction unique to Opel. The settings and damping calibrations are adapted for higher load capabilities, while the Watt's link supports lateral forces during cornering to give the Opel Astra Sports Tourer dynamic and agile handling without compromising stability or comfort.
Chassis behavior can be further enhanced by the sophisticated FlexRide adaptive suspension system, a true rarity in the compact segment. The system continuously adapts to changes in road conditions and driving style. In the Standard mode, the FlexRide offers the whole bandwidth of settings available. In the Sport and Tour modes that can be selected by the driver, the FlexRide system applies respectively the sportiest or the most comfortable settings. The Sport mode additionally tenses the throttle and steering responsiveness.
As the Opel Astra Sports Tourer is likely to pull trailers, Opel's electronic Trailer Stability Assist system is also available.
Extended powertrain line-up to soon include Start/Stop technology
The Opel Astra Sports Tourer powertrain line-up includes eight vigorous yet frugal gasoline and diesel engines, ranging in power from 70 kW/95 hp to 132 kW/180 hp.
A new addition is the 1.4-liter turbo gasoline unit, giving 88 kW/120 hp. It comes with a six-speed manual transmission. The 103 kW/140 hp version of the 1.4 Turbo engine is now also available with a six-speed automatic transmission.
The 2.0 CDTI engine with 118 kW/ 160 hp tops the diesel line-up and is offered with a six-speed manual gearbox. It combines high performance and torque of up to 380 Nm (with overboost) with 5.1 liter fuel consumption and 134 g/km CO2 emissions. An automatic six-speed transmission is also available.
To optimize fuel economy all variants equipped with a manual transmission now include a shift-up indicator.
Start/Stop technology will be introduced soon in the Opel Astra Sports Tourer and across the Astra line-up. The first application is the new ecoFLEX variant with the 1.3 CDTI engine delivering 70 kW/95 hp
To buy all the models opel 2011 Click on the image
Efficient load carrier incorporates premium features
The new Opel Astra Sports Tourer has been designed for smooth loading, while the clean, flat wall linings of the carefully contoured cargo compartment optimize useable space by eliminating odd, hard-to-use corners. Load volume can be easily adjusted between 500 and 1550 liters.
Efficient trunk design is a key aspect of the wagon concept and Opel engineers have taken great care to enhance functionality by incorporating features from premium station wagons with a rare sense of quality and precision.
They have developed a new FlexFold Rear Seat system, which allows each section of the 60/40 split-fold rear seatbacks to be lowered at the press of a button located in the side walls of the cargo compartment: A spring is electrically released, automatically activating quick, remote folding of the seatbacks. The Opel Astra Sports Tourer is the first compact wagon equipped with this convenience feature.
With the seatbacks down, the cargo load length is increased to 1835 mm, 28 mm more than in the current Astra wagon.
Sporty design executed with first class quality
Families and business professionals using the Opel Astra Sports Tourer benefit from the same harmoniously sculpted cabin as in the five-door hatchback. The wraparound wing front fascia and the flowing forms of the cockpit provide a great sense of space and security.
The cabin is as practical as it is comfortable. Opel Astra Sports Tourer users wish to stow a range of items where they need them, not just in the trunk. To help achieve that, 25 liters of cabin storage space has been added, 50 percent more than in the previous generation wagon. For long distance driving comfort, customers can choose the only front ergonomic seats in the segment certified by independent back experts from the Aktion Gesunder R?cken (AGR).
The exterior design of the new Astra Sports Tourer brings a touch of athleticism and undeniable class to compact wagon looks. The tapered profile and the prominent side blade-shaped sculpted into the flanks of the body combine to give the Sports Tourer a powerful sense of forward movement. A muscular shoulder line leads gracefully into eye-catching, sculpted rear light units.
Opel Astra Sports Tourer offers the same agile handing as the hatchback
Athleticism is also found in the Opel Astra Sport Tourer's mechatronic chassis. Opel Vehicle Dynamics engineers have ensured that it offers the same level of comfort and agility as that of the five-door hatchback. The Sports Tourer shares its footprint with its five-door sibling, with a similar 2685 mm-long wheelbase and wide front and rear tracks of 1544 and 1558 mm respectively.
The rear axle also benefits from the highly innovative combination of a compound crank and a Watt's link as used on the five-door variant - an ingenious construction unique to Opel. The settings and damping calibrations are adapted for higher load capabilities, while the Watt's link supports lateral forces during cornering to give the Opel Astra Sports Tourer dynamic and agile handling without compromising stability or comfort.
Chassis behavior can be further enhanced by the sophisticated FlexRide adaptive suspension system, a true rarity in the compact segment. The system continuously adapts to changes in road conditions and driving style. In the Standard mode, the FlexRide offers the whole bandwidth of settings available. In the Sport and Tour modes that can be selected by the driver, the FlexRide system applies respectively the sportiest or the most comfortable settings. The Sport mode additionally tenses the throttle and steering responsiveness.
As the Opel Astra Sports Tourer is likely to pull trailers, Opel's electronic Trailer Stability Assist system is also available.
Extended powertrain line-up to soon include Start/Stop technology
The Opel Astra Sports Tourer powertrain line-up includes eight vigorous yet frugal gasoline and diesel engines, ranging in power from 70 kW/95 hp to 132 kW/180 hp.
A new addition is the 1.4-liter turbo gasoline unit, giving 88 kW/120 hp. It comes with a six-speed manual transmission. The 103 kW/140 hp version of the 1.4 Turbo engine is now also available with a six-speed automatic transmission.
The 2.0 CDTI engine with 118 kW/ 160 hp tops the diesel line-up and is offered with a six-speed manual gearbox. It combines high performance and torque of up to 380 Nm (with overboost) with 5.1 liter fuel consumption and 134 g/km CO2 emissions. An automatic six-speed transmission is also available.
To optimize fuel economy all variants equipped with a manual transmission now include a shift-up indicator.
Start/Stop technology will be introduced soon in the Opel Astra Sports Tourer and across the Astra line-up. The first application is the new ecoFLEX variant with the 1.3 CDTI engine delivering 70 kW/95 hp
To buy all the models opel 2011 Click on the image
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How to win money from twitter?
Twitter Cash Formula
Twitter is the fastest growing site on the internet, and you can cash in on your share of its success! With TwitterCashFormula, you can promote a top twitter product that shows people how to earn money with Twitter - and earn top comissions for it too!
Twitter Cash Formula
Twitter is the fastest growing site on the internet, and you can cash in on your share of its success! With TwitterCashFormula, you can promote a top twitter product that shows people how to earn money with Twitter - and earn top comissions for it too!
Opel Astra Sports 2011
Opel Astra Sports Tourer (2011
The Opel Astra Sports Tourer makes its world premiere at the 2010 Paris Motor Show (October 2-24), and goes on sale in November 2010.
Efficient load carrier incorporates premium features
The new Opel Astra Sports Tourer has been designed for smooth loading, while the clean, flat wall linings of the carefully contoured cargo compartment optimize useable space by eliminating odd, hard-to-use corners. Load volume can be easily adjusted between 500 and 1550 liters.
Efficient trunk design is a key aspect of the wagon concept and Opel engineers have taken great care to enhance functionality by incorporating features from premium station wagons with a rare sense of quality and precision.
They have developed a new FlexFold Rear Seat system, which allows each section of the 60/40 split-fold rear seatbacks to be lowered at the press of a button located in the side walls of the cargo compartment: A spring is electrically released, automatically activating quick, remote folding of the seatbacks. The Opel Astra Sports Tourer is the first compact wagon equipped with this convenience feature.
With the seatbacks down, the cargo load length is increased to 1835 mm, 28 mm more than in the current Astra wagon.
Sporty design executed with first class quality
Families and business professionals using the Opel Astra Sports Tourer benefit from the same harmoniously sculpted cabin as in the five-door hatchback. The wraparound wing front fascia and the flowing forms of the cockpit provide a great sense of space and security.
The cabin is as practical as it is comfortable. Opel Astra Sports Tourer users wish to stow a range of items where they need them, not just in the trunk. To help achieve that, 25 liters of cabin storage space has been added, 50 percent more than in the previous generation wagon. For long distance driving comfort, customers can choose the only front ergonomic seats in the segment certified by independent back experts from the Aktion Gesunder Rűcken (AGR).
The exterior design of the new Astra Sports Tourer brings a touch of athleticism and undeniable class to compact wagon looks. The tapered profile and the prominent side blade-shaped sculpted into the flanks of the body combine to give the Sports Tourer a powerful sense of forward movement. A muscular shoulder line leads gracefully into eye-catching, sculpted rear light units.
Opel Astra Sports Tourer offers the same agile handing as the hatchback
Athleticism is also found in the Opel Astra Sport Tourer's mechatronic chassis. Opel Vehicle Dynamics engineers have ensured that it offers the same level of comfort and agility as that of the five-door hatchback. The Sports Tourer shares its footprint with its five-door sibling, with a similar 2685 mm-long wheelbase and wide front and rear tracks of 1544 and 1558 mm respectively.
The rear axle also benefits from the highly innovative combination of a compound crank and a Watt's link as used on the five-door variant - an ingenious construction unique to Opel. The settings and damping calibrations are adapted for higher load capabilities, while the Watt's link supports lateral forces during cornering to give the Opel Astra Sports Tourer dynamic and agile handling without compromising stability or comfort.
Chassis behavior can be further enhanced by the sophisticated FlexRide adaptive suspension system, a true rarity in the compact segment. The system continuously adapts to changes in road conditions and driving style. In the Standard mode, the FlexRide offers the whole bandwidth of settings available. In the Sport and Tour modes that can be selected by the driver, the FlexRide system applies respectively the sportiest or the most comfortable settings. The Sport mode additionally tenses the throttle and steering responsiveness.
As the Opel Astra Sports Tourer is likely to pull trailers, Opel's electronic Trailer Stability Assist system is also available.
Extended powertrain line-up to soon include Start/Stop technology
The Opel Astra Sports Tourer powertrain line-up includes eight vigorous yet frugal gasoline and diesel engines, ranging in power from 70 kW/95 hp to 132 kW/180 hp.
A new addition is the 1.4-liter turbo gasoline unit, giving 88 kW/120 hp. It comes with a six-speed manual transmission. The 103 kW/140 hp version of the 1.4 Turbo engine is now also available with a six-speed automatic transmission.
The 2.0 CDTI engine with 118 kW/ 160 hp tops the diesel line-up and is offered with a six-speed manual gearbox. It combines high performance and torque of up to 380 Nm (with overboost) with 5.1 liter fuel consumption and 134 g/km CO2 emissions. An automatic six-speed transmission is also available.
To optimize fuel economy all variants equipped with a manual transmission now include a shift-up indicator.
Start/Stop technology will be introduced soon in the Opel Astra Sports Tourer and across the Astra line-up. The first application is the new ecoFLEX variant with the 1.3 CDTI engine delivering 70 kW/95 hp
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Why limit w when a person loves his country?
Why limit w when a person loves his country?
Is a country the size of «320 thousand square kilometers» ... And a population of 27 million people, one third of the population of Egypt unguarded ... Until 1981 they were living in the woods, and working in the rubber plantations, banana, pineapple, and fishing ... The average per capita income is less than a thousand dollars a year ... And religious conflicts «18 religion» is the ruling ... Even the most honorable man of God named «mahadir bin mohamat», as it is written in the records of Malaysia .. Or «Mahathir Mohamad» as we call .. It is the youngest son of nine siblings ...
- Father and primary school teacher salary is not enough to achieve the dream of his son «Mahathir» buy wheel goes to the high school .. Thereby acting «Mahathir» Seller «banana» street until he achieved his dream, and entered the College of Medicine in neighboring Singapore ... And becoming president of the Federation of Muslim students at university before graduating in 1953 ... To work as a doctor in the English government for the occupied country until independence «Malaysia» in 1957, and opened his private clinic as «surgeon» and devoted half of his time to detect free to the poor ... And win membership in parliament in 1964, and lost his seat after five years, Vitafrg to write a book on «Malaysia's economic future» in 1970 ...
- And re-elected «Senator» in 1974 ... And will be chosen as minister of education in 1975, then assistant to the Prime Minister in 1978, then prime minister in 1981, to begin the comprehensive renaissance, which he said in his speech that the BA Inspired ideas Egyptian Renaissance at the hands of Muhammad Ali ..
* What did «Malaysian surgeon»?
First: Draw a map for the future of Malaysia to set out priorities, objectives and results, which should be accessible within 10 years .. After 20 years .. Until the year 2020!!!
Second: has decided that education and scientific research are first priority at the top of the agenda, and therefore allocated the largest department in the State budget to pump in training and rehabilitation for artisans .. And education .. And literacy .. And teaching English .. In scientific research .. Also sent tens of thousands Kposat to study in the best foreign universities ..
- Why «army» a priority and they are not in a state of war or a threat? Why wasteful in the palaces and the offices of the government and Alvchkrp and congratulations, condolences, compliments and gifts .. As long as the needs of the Whole House on the deprived?
Third: I announce to the people in all transparency plan and strategy, and briefed them on the accounting system which is governed by the principle of reward and punishment to gain access to the «comprehensive renaissance», people believed him and walked behind him to begin «agriculture» .. Vgersoa million seedlings «Palm Oil» in the first two years for Malaysia to become the first countries in the world in the production and export «Palm Oil»!!!
In the tourism sector .. Decided that the target in ten years is $ 20 billion instead of $ 900 million in 1981, now stands at 33 billion dollars a year .. For this to occur, donating the Japanese camps that existed from the days of World War II to the tourist areas include all types of recreational activities and sports, cultural centers and art .. Malaysia to become a «global hub» of international auto racing, horses, water sports, physical therapy, and ... And ... And ....
- In the industrial sector .. Achieved in 1996 exceeded 46% jump from the previous year thanks to the comprehensive system and huge jump in electrical appliances, computers and electronics.
- In financial activity .. Open the door controls transparent to domestic and foreign investment to build the highest twin towers in the world .. Petronas .. With a 65 commercial center in the capital Kuala Lumpur and alone .. And established the exchange, which is the volume of daily dealings of two thousand million dollars a day.
- And established the largest Islamic university on the face of the earth, have become among the top five hundred universities in the world stands in front of youth in the Gulf Bataiwaber, also established a new administrative capital putrajaya next to the commercial capital of «Kuala Lumpur» by a population of less than 2 million people, but they planned to absorb 7 million 2020, and this built airports and dozens of highways to facilitate tourists, residents and investors who have come from China, India and the Gulf and from all parts of the world, building thousands of hotels ranging from five-star motels and even twenty dollars a night!!!
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Is a country the size of «320 thousand square kilometers» ... And a population of 27 million people, one third of the population of Egypt unguarded ... Until 1981 they were living in the woods, and working in the rubber plantations, banana, pineapple, and fishing ... The average per capita income is less than a thousand dollars a year ... And religious conflicts «18 religion» is the ruling ... Even the most honorable man of God named «mahadir bin mohamat», as it is written in the records of Malaysia .. Or «Mahathir Mohamad» as we call .. It is the youngest son of nine siblings ...
- Father and primary school teacher salary is not enough to achieve the dream of his son «Mahathir» buy wheel goes to the high school .. Thereby acting «Mahathir» Seller «banana» street until he achieved his dream, and entered the College of Medicine in neighboring Singapore ... And becoming president of the Federation of Muslim students at university before graduating in 1953 ... To work as a doctor in the English government for the occupied country until independence «Malaysia» in 1957, and opened his private clinic as «surgeon» and devoted half of his time to detect free to the poor ... And win membership in parliament in 1964, and lost his seat after five years, Vitafrg to write a book on «Malaysia's economic future» in 1970 ...
- And re-elected «Senator» in 1974 ... And will be chosen as minister of education in 1975, then assistant to the Prime Minister in 1978, then prime minister in 1981, to begin the comprehensive renaissance, which he said in his speech that the BA Inspired ideas Egyptian Renaissance at the hands of Muhammad Ali ..
* What did «Malaysian surgeon»?
First: Draw a map for the future of Malaysia to set out priorities, objectives and results, which should be accessible within 10 years .. After 20 years .. Until the year 2020!!!
Second: has decided that education and scientific research are first priority at the top of the agenda, and therefore allocated the largest department in the State budget to pump in training and rehabilitation for artisans .. And education .. And literacy .. And teaching English .. In scientific research .. Also sent tens of thousands Kposat to study in the best foreign universities ..
- Why «army» a priority and they are not in a state of war or a threat? Why wasteful in the palaces and the offices of the government and Alvchkrp and congratulations, condolences, compliments and gifts .. As long as the needs of the Whole House on the deprived?
Third: I announce to the people in all transparency plan and strategy, and briefed them on the accounting system which is governed by the principle of reward and punishment to gain access to the «comprehensive renaissance», people believed him and walked behind him to begin «agriculture» .. Vgersoa million seedlings «Palm Oil» in the first two years for Malaysia to become the first countries in the world in the production and export «Palm Oil»!!!
In the tourism sector .. Decided that the target in ten years is $ 20 billion instead of $ 900 million in 1981, now stands at 33 billion dollars a year .. For this to occur, donating the Japanese camps that existed from the days of World War II to the tourist areas include all types of recreational activities and sports, cultural centers and art .. Malaysia to become a «global hub» of international auto racing, horses, water sports, physical therapy, and ... And ... And ....
- In the industrial sector .. Achieved in 1996 exceeded 46% jump from the previous year thanks to the comprehensive system and huge jump in electrical appliances, computers and electronics.
- In financial activity .. Open the door controls transparent to domestic and foreign investment to build the highest twin towers in the world .. Petronas .. With a 65 commercial center in the capital Kuala Lumpur and alone .. And established the exchange, which is the volume of daily dealings of two thousand million dollars a day.
- And established the largest Islamic university on the face of the earth, have become among the top five hundred universities in the world stands in front of youth in the Gulf Bataiwaber, also established a new administrative capital putrajaya next to the commercial capital of «Kuala Lumpur» by a population of less than 2 million people, but they planned to absorb 7 million 2020, and this built airports and dozens of highways to facilitate tourists, residents and investors who have come from China, India and the Gulf and from all parts of the world, building thousands of hotels ranging from five-star motels and even twenty dollars a night!!!
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